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Released: 28-Jan-1999 12:00 AM EST
NC State University News Tips
North Carolina State University

A roundup of NC State University research activities. For use by the media as briefs or as background for stories.

Released: 19-Mar-1999 12:00 AM EST
Molecular-Scale Devices May Lead to Faster Computers
North Carolina State University

Future generations of faster, smaller computers and information processing devices may owe their existence to tiny molecular devices being developed by North Carolina State University chemists. The devices -- including a five-molecule-long wire that measures just 9-billionths of a meter end to end -- could help engineers make computer circuits up to 100 times smaller than current sizes.

Released: 24-Mar-1999 12:00 AM EST
NC State Professor Defuses Social Security Reform Gender Debate
North Carolina State University

Some critics of Social Security reform fear that a policy mandating individual retirement accounts would have a negative economic impact on women. That's not the case, says a North Carolina State University professor of economics and business management, who is helping policy makers defuse the emotionally charged debate with research-based information.

Released: 5-May-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Vaccine for Bovine Diarrhea Could Help Humans
North Carolina State University

Veterinary researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a new vaccine for cryptosporidiosis in cattle that prevents calves from getting the disease and reduces the economic loss faced by cattle growers.

Released: 27-May-1999 12:00 AM EDT
New Rapid Gene Silencing Technique
North Carolina State University

Crops with increased resistance to drought and disease, soybeans with more protein and vegetables with more vitamins are some of the potential benefits that may result from a new gene silencing technology developed at North Carolina State University.

Released: 27-May-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Possible Link Between Stress, Prostate Disease
North Carolina State University

Research at North Carolina State University is shedding new light on the relationship between stress and prostate disease. The missing piece could be the hormone prolactin, released by the body during stress and now believed to increase inflammation in the prostate.

Released: 8-Jul-1999 12:00 AM EDT
El Nino, La Nina Harming Water Quality Along N.C. Coast
North Carolina State University

In the last decade, swelling human and animal populations have helped load Eastern North Carolina ecosystems with nitrogen, phosphate and other nutrients that can be harmful to air, water and land resources. Now, scientists at North Carolina State University say Mother Nature, and the violent weather patterns she controls, could be at the root of the state's water quality problems.

Released: 14-Jul-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Murder Rate Linked to Poverty, too Few Social Supports
North Carolina State University

A major study by a North Carolina State University criminologist links murder rates with the prevailing economic environment. Simply stated: murder rates decline as the economy soars; murder rates climb as the economy sours.

Released: 26-Aug-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Biodegradable Wound Dressing, Potential for Improved Healing
North Carolina State University

Scientists at North Carolina State University have developed a three-layered, biodegradable wound dressing that can improve the healing process of third- and fourth-degree burns.

Released: 31-Aug-1999 12:00 AM EDT
3-D Model to Forecast Hurricane Storm Surge
North Carolina State University

North Carolina State University scientists, working with the National Weather Service office in Raleigh, have developed a three-dimensional forecasting model that accurately predicts coastal flooding caused by a hurricane's storm surge and rainfall.
