
Shaya Sheikh obtained his Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve University in 2013. He worked as a scheduling and optimization scientist at Lancaster Laboratories and as a visiting professor at the University of Baltimore before joining New York Institute of Technology in 2015.

Currently, he serves as an associate professor of business and supply chain analytics in the School of Management. His research interests include the energy supply chain, scheduling, and the application of state-of-the-art, data-driven models for a variety of business challenges.

Sheikh has authored more than 40 research papers in highly ranked peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings such as Decision Support Systems, Energy, International Journal of Production Research, Applied Mathematical Modeling, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Operations Research Perspective, Journal of Wireless Networks, and IEEE international conferences. In addition, he serves as an editorial board member for several journals covering management and business analytics.

He is also the session chair for top international conferences such as INFORMS and POMS, and a co-chair, organizer, and committee member for several others. A prominent figure at international conferences in his field, Sheikh is regularly invited to speak, provide keynote remarks, and/or participate as a reviewer/panelist to grant and award-funding agencies. He also serves as an invited and ad-hoc reviewer for more than 15 top journals in the energy and business analytics fields.


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