Energy, Power, Smart Grid
Chair in Aerothermal Technology and Whittle Lab Director
University of CambridgeEnergy, Fluid Mechanics, Transport
Professor Miller’s research is aimed at reducing the emissions of both air travel and land based power production. He has worked extensively with industry, presently undertaking research in collaboration with Rolls Royce, Mitsubishi, Siemens, Alstom and Dyson. Over the next 20 years improved compression systems will play a critical role in achieving a reduction in greenhouse emissions from gas turbines. By developing ultra-low pressure ratio fans, the propulsive efficiency can be raised, while by increasing the compressor pressure ratio and the efficiency, the core efficiency can be raised. The Whittle Laboratory, in collaboration with Rolls Royce and the UK Aerospace Technology Institute, is currently working on a range of technologies designed to underpin this future generation of compression systems. To achieve a step improvement in jet engine efficiency requires a change from the conventional gas turbine cycle developed by Frank Whittle. One method of achieving a 20% reduction in fuel consumption is to replace the conventional steady combustor with one in which the fuel is periodically burnt, known as a pressure gain or constant volume combustor. The Cambridge Pressure Gain Combustion Group has developed a range of technologies designed to both maximise combustor pressure gain and efficiently couple the combustor with neighboring turbomachinery. Off-shore renewable power forms a critical pillar in the UK’s future energy policy. As a result, in 2010, Cambridge Tidal Turbine Group was formed. By understanding the unsteady hydrodynamics of the device the group aims to both extend the life of the device and improve in-service power output. He also directs the
William D. Hacker Chair of Management Strategy
Thunderbird School of Global ManagementBusiness, business administration, Energy, Energy Security, Free Trade, Global Business, International Development, International Trade, oil and gas, Oil And Gas Exploration, Oil And Gas Production, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Development, Trade
Kannan Ramaswamy is the William D. Hacker Chair Professor of Management in global business at Thunderbird School of Global Management. He is world-renowned for his expertise on global strategy, emerging markets – including India and South Asia, the energy sector, corporate governance, mergers and acquisitions, and global management. A native of India who is now a U.S. citizen, Ramaswamy has consulted for several U.S. and European multinationals. He is an award-winning executive educator whose teaching and research interests span emerging market multinationals, business groups and corporate diversification, mergers and acquisitions, privatization, and joint ventures. In addition to teaching in Thunderbird’s full-time programs, Ramaswamy teaches extensively in the school’s executive education programs. He has participated in programs with multinational companies including American Express, EDS Corp. (now part of Hewlett-Packard Co.), Dow Chemical, General Motors, Mattel, Brasil Telecom, Delta Air Lines, Astellas Pharmaceutical (Japan), LG Electronics (Korea), Ericsson, Motorola, ExxonMobil, Baker Hughes, ONGC (India), Integra (Russia), and SK Corp. (Korea). Ramaswamy also directs several Thunderbird programs including the program on Globalization: Merging Strategy with Action that deals with global strategy issues, and the Advanced Management Program for Oil and Gas Industry Executives dealing with contemporary issues in oil and gas. Ramaswamy’s research – which has appeared in distinguished journals including Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Academy of Management Journal, Management International Review, Journal of Management and Journal of Business Research – focuses on a broad range of topics: challenges facing emerging market multinationals, the performance impact of corporate diversification; competitive consequences of privatization; the role of strategic fit in mergers and acquisitions; and equity vs. operational-control issues in joint ventures. Much of his recent research in these areas has centered on emerging markets. Ramaswamy’s work has been featured among the best papers at these prestigious national meetings eight times; his work was chosen “best paper” twice at the Academy of Management national meetings. As a faculty member at the academic institutions he has served, Ramaswamy has won numerous awards for research excellence. A member of the Board of Reviewers of the Journal of International Business Studies and the editorial board of the Journal of International Management, and the Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Dr. Ramaswamy has also served as guest editor of a special issue of the Journal of Operations Management on “knowledge offshoring.” With Thunderbird professor Andrew Inkpen, Ramaswamy co-authored the book Global Strategy: Creating and Sustaining Advantage across Borders published by the Oxford University Press. Education Ph.D. Strategic Management, Virginia Tech M.B.A. University of Madras, India B.S. Physics, University of Madras, India
Thomas G. Ayers Chair in Energy Resource Management Professor of Management & Organizations
Northwestern University, Kellogg School of ManagementClimate Change, Energy, Environmental Sustainability, Global affairs
Klaus Weber is an Professor of Management & Organizations, and serves as the deputy director of the Northwestern Buffett Institute for Global Affairs. He is also affiliated with the Department of Sociology and the Northwestern Institute for Sustainability and Energy. His research is grounded in cultural and institutional analysis, and employs a range of methodological approaches. His substantive interests are a) the intersection between social movements, organizations and markets; b) environmental sustainability; and c) the globalization of economic policies and business practices. Klaus' research has been widely published in journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly, American Sociological Review, Organization Science, Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal and many others. His work has won best paper awards at the American Sociological Association, Administrative Science Quarterly, and the SYNTEC Conseil en Management. He was a senior editor at Organization Science and has guest edited volumes for Organization Studies and Organization Science. Klaus teaches MBA courses on environmental sustainability and on power in organizations; and doctoral seminars on cultural analysis, organization theory and research methods. He received his PhD from the University of Michigan and joined the Kellogg faculty in 2003.
Deputy Director and Professor in the School of Community Resources & Development
Arizona State University (ASU)Climate Change, Energy, Sustainability
Dave White is an expert in sustainability, environmental policy and climate change. White's research develops theory and methods to understand and enhance the positive societal impact of science for sustainability. White is a professor is Deputy Director & Professor in the School of Community Resources & Development. He is a recipient of the President's Medal for Social Embeddedness from Arizona State University and the Celebrating Natural Resources Award from the University of Idaho.
Regents Professor, School of Earth and Space Exploration
Arizona State University (ASU)Astronomy, Astrophysics, Energy
Rogier Windhorst is an expert in astronomy, astrophysics, and dark energy and matter. Windhorst is a regents professor in the School of Earth and Space Exploration. Windhorst's research focuses on astronomy, cosmology, galaxy formation and evolution, the cosmic dark ages, the epoch of First Light, and astronomical instrumentation. He is a co-investigator and interdisciplinary scientist for the James Webb Space Telescope (Webb), the largest, most powerful and complex space science telescope ever built. The mission led by NASA, will serve as the premier deep space observatory for the next decade, exploring every phase of cosmic history – from within our solar system to the most distant observable galaxies in the early universe, and everything in between.
Agriculture, Climate, Economy, Energy, Trade
Prof. Davis works to understand and find ways to meet the challenge of satisfying global demand for energy, food, and goods without emitting carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. He is interested in studies of coupled human and natural systems and sustainable systems analysis, including: energy technology and policy; of pollution and resources embodied in international trade; of socio-economic inertia and “lock-in” of environmental problems; and of the complex interactions of energy systems, agriculture, climate change, and global ecology.
Senior Research Faculty, Atmospheric Sciences Research Center
University at Albany, State University of New YorkAtmospheric Sciences, Energy, Solar Energy
Research Interests Solar Energy Resource assessment Because the weather is the main driver of solar energy technologies, it is important to characterize and to quantify the influences of climate and weather on the solar resource. We have developed approaches to utilize the imagery from weather satellites to infer the amount of solar energy available at any point in time and space. We have used this capability to produce solar resource maps for the US and several other countries, and to provide operational data for solar system output quality control. Evaluating the impact of solar energy systems on utility power grids The resource information developed above can be used effectively to simulate the operation of solar power plants and to gauge their impact on utility grids' power flow. An important application of this is to detect, quantify and monitor the capability of dispersed photovoltaic systems to help utilities meet their peak demand requirements and to minimize the risks of power outages.
Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellow and Lecturer
Loughborough UniversityEnergy, Nanogenerator, self-powered electronics, smart textiles, wearable electronics
Ishara has an academic background in electronics engineering, textile engineering and nanotechnology. He has been involved in academic and industrial research activities covering areas of smart textiles and wearable electronic applications for healthcare, sports, personal electronics etc. He has appeared on the BBC and his work has been featured in online outlets such as Yahoo, MSN and Physics World.
chemical manufacturing, Clean Water, Desalination, Energy, Environment, Redox, Water Purification
Xiao Su is a researcher at the and an assistant professor of at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He received his Ph.D. in chemical engineering from the Massachusettes Institute of Technology in 2017, and his B.A. from the University of Waterloo in 2011.
Professor Su is a chemical engineer whose interdisciplinary research program encompasses energy and environmental processes, water treatment and purification, chemical and biological manufacturing, and advanced materials synthesis. He has developed greener methods to manufacture, use and recycle chemicals, and his recent work on electrodialysis-based water purification addresses the energy and water crises simultaneously.
Lab website:
Honors and awards:
2023: AIChE Separations FRI/John G. Kunesh Award
2023: ACS Unilever Award for Outstanding Young Investigator in Colloids & Surfactant Science
2023: School of Chemical Sciences Teaching Award
2022: Center for Advanced Study, Fellow
2021: International Society of Electrochemistry Elsevier Prize for Green Electrochemistry
2020: ACS Victor K. LaMer Award
2020: RCSA Scialog Fellow
Energy, Photovoltaics
Dr. Neal Abrams is an Associate Professor and Associate Chair of the chemistry department at the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry in Syracuse, New York. He is the interim director of the ESF Open Academy, which provides online education for professionals and K- 12 outreach.
He received his bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Ithaca College in 2000, his Ph.D. in chemistry from the Pennsylvania State University in 2005, completed his postdoctoral research at Cornell University between 2005 and 2007, and also lectured at Cornell from 2006 to 2007.
His research is focused on materials and inorganic chemistry, including areas such as energy storage, photovoltaics, and fuel cells.
Climate Change, Earthquakes, Economics, Energy, Extremism, Homeland Security, Inflation, Public Administration, Public Policy, Supply Chain, Terrorism
Dr. Prager is co-director of the . His research is focused on the policy and economics of disasters and has used computable general equilibrium analysis to estimate the macroeconomic impacts of environmental policy, natural disasters, and terrorism events. Prior to joining CSUDH, Prager was a postdoctoral research associate at USC Price School of Public Policy and Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events (CREATE), working with numerous Department of Homeland Security agencies on different policy analyses.
Business Analytics, Energy, Energy Costs, Supply Chain
Shaya Sheikh obtained his Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve University in 2013. He worked as a scheduling and optimization scientist at Lancaster Laboratories and as a visiting professor at the University of Baltimore before joining New York Institute of Technology in 2015.
Currently, he serves as an associate professor of business and supply chain analytics in the School of Management. His research interests include the energy supply chain, scheduling, and the application of state-of-the-art, data-driven models for a variety of business challenges.
Sheikh has authored more than 40 research papers in highly ranked peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings such as Decision Support Systems, Energy, International Journal of Production Research, Applied Mathematical Modeling, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Operations Research Perspective, Journal of Wireless Networks, and IEEE international conferences. In addition, he serves as an editorial board member for several journals covering management and business analytics.
He is also the session chair for top international conferences such as INFORMS and POMS, and a co-chair, organizer, and committee member for several others. A prominent figure at international conferences in his field, Sheikh is regularly invited to speak, provide keynote remarks, and/or participate as a reviewer/panelist to grant and award-funding agencies. He also serves as an invited and ad-hoc reviewer for more than 15 top journals in the energy and business analytics fields.
Chemical Engineering, Energy, Hydrogen, Thermodynamics
Dr. Athanasios Stubos is a distinguished expert in hydrogen and environmental technologies, serving as the Greek Delegate to the Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (former Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking) of the European Commission. With a strong focus on integrated hydrogen technologies, gas storage, transport in porous media and renewable energy integration, he participates in various European initiatives advancing hydrogen & fuel cell technologies, positioning Greece as a key player in the clean energy transition.
Dr. Stubos has also served as Director of the Institute of Nuclear & Radiological Sciences & Technology, Energy & Safety (INRASTES) at the National Centre for Scientific Research Demokritos. There, he oversees numerous European and national research projects on hydrogen and energy technologies, contributing significantly to innovation and the future of sustainable energy. He has authored / co-authored more than 190 publications in international peer-reviewed journals which have been cited more than 6,350 times (source: Scopus).
Additionally, Dr. Stubos has co-founded CYRUS, a NCSR Demokritos spinoff that develops advanced, noiseless hydrogen compressors powered by thermal energy, transforming hydrogen refueling stations and promoting sustainable energy solutions. In May 2022, CYRUS inaugurated Greece's first hydrogen pilot refueling station, located at the "Lefkippos" Technology Park. This facility integrates green hydrogen production, storage, compression, and use in light vehicles, utilizing water and solar energy as raw materials and demonstrating the practical application of hydrogen as a clean and sustainable fuel for transportation.