
Our News on Newswise

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Salisbury University Announces Plans for New Performing Arts Center

A $100 million Salisbury University performing arts center is on the horizon for downtown Salisbury, MD. Expected to open within four to five years, the new center will feature an auditorium with seating for up to 1,000, making it the second largest...
8-May-2024 4:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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Salisbury University-NASA Space Act Agreement Provides New Opportunities for Students, Workforce Development

Salisbury University students have new opportunities to reach for the stars thanks to a Space Act Agreement signed between SU and NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. The partnership is expected to provide enhanced experiential learning...
29-Mar-2024 1:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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New Graduate School at Salisbury University Announced

In 1962, Salisbury University launched its first graduate program, the M.Ed. Since then, SU’s graduate offerings have grown to include 14 master’s and two doctoral programs. More than half a century since that first program was approved, they...
20-Mar-2024 10:05 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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$900,000 Ratcliffe Foundation Gift to Continue SU Shore Hatchery Entrepreneurship Program Through 2026

Over 100 entrepreneurs have made their dreams a reality with the help of Salisbury University’s Philip E. and Carole R. Ratcliffe Foundation Shore Hatchery entrepreneurship competition. The foundation has pledged an additional $900,000 to continue...
9-May-2023 9:00 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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Lepre Installed as Salisbury University's 10th President During Festive Investiture Ceremony

Since becoming Salisbury University’s 10th President in July 2022, Dr. Carolyn Ringer Lepre has worked to advance the institution as it nears its landmark 100th anniversary in 2025. During her investiture ceremony on May 5, she spoke about SU’s...
5-May-2023 3:45 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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$2.5 Million Grant Allows Salisbury University to Help Instructional Assistants Further Their Education

A nearly $2.5 million grant from the Maryland State Department of Education will allow child care workers and instructional assistants earn their bachelor's degrees and teaching certifications at Salisbury University as part of a statewide education...
25-Apr-2023 9:00 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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Dr. Laurie Couch Named Next Salisbury University Provost

An academic leader with nearly three decades of classroom and administrative success will be Salisbury University’s next provost and senior vice president of academic affairs when Dr. Laurie Couch steps into the position on June 30.
19-Apr-2023 10:45 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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Salisbury University Police Department Unveils Cutting-Edge Training Simulator as Newest Campus Safety Tool

Salisbury University's new Recon 180 simulator is expected to provide enhanced training and collaboration opportunities for the SU Police Department and allied law enforcement agencies. Its goal: Help officers make the campus and surrounding areas...
22-Feb-2023 3:30 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Salisbury University sets success in motion with a community and culture where every student is heard, seen, supported, celebrated and challenged. SU propels you forward to a better tomorrow in both your life and career. In Salisbury’s warm and welcoming environment, professors mentor students in a way that sparks change by connecting ideas to real-world, hands-on experiences. Study where your opportunities are endless, your cost is affordable and your return on investment will pay back a lifetime of possibilities. This is why so many Salisbury graduates are thriving in their lives, communities and careers – across Maryland and beyond.



