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New Data Shows Heart Failure Treatment Guided by Daxor’s BVA-100® Lowers Hospital Length of Stay by 55%

New data validate the benefits of the BVA-100 diagnostic blood volume measurement test in reducing hospital length of stay (LOS) for heart failure (HF) patients. Data were presented at the Heart Failure Society of America (HFSA) Annual Scientific...
30-Sep-2022 9:40 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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New Data Shows 85% Reduction in One-Year Mortality for Medicare Heart Failure Patients With BVA-Guided Care

New data validate the benefits of the BVA-100 blood volume measurement test for Medicare heart failure patients. Data were presented at the Heart Failure Society of America (HFSA) Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) 2022 – which brought together the...
30-Sep-2022 4:40 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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