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Burnout From Financial Stress May Lower Job Satisfaction

Stress from work can often leave people feeling tired and overwhelmed. Anxiety in other parts of life could make this even worse, according to a new study from the University of Georgia. Burnout is a familiar, exhausting feeling to many people....
24-Feb-2025 10:10 AM EST Add to Favorites

Ultrasounds Could Help Process Edible Flowers as Food Ingredients

What happens to the Valentine's Day flowers that went unsold? A new study from the University of Georgia explores how flowers can be repurposed as food ingredients, offering a more sustainable way to use blooms that might otherwise be discarded.
17-Feb-2025 10:30 AM EST Add to Favorites

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Human Presence at Waterholes May Change Animal Behavior

When tourists venture into nature, their thoughts are often focused on the animals they’ll get to see. But animals may also have them in mind, according to a new study from the University of Georgia.
10-Feb-2025 5:30 PM EST Add to Favorites

Vacations Are Good for Employee Well-Being, and the Effects Are Long Lasting

If you’re like many Americans, you probably didn’t take all your vacation time this past year. Even if you did, it’s highly likely you didn’t fully unplug while off the clock. But you might want to change that if you want to improve your...
27-Jan-2025 10:05 AM EST Add to Favorites

Being Born Into Poverty Negatively Affects Children’s Behavior

Children born into poor families are more likely to exhibit aggressive, impulsive behaviors throughout childhood, according to a new study from the University of Georgia.
23-Jan-2025 7:35 PM EST Add to Favorites

Social Media Users More Likely to Invest in Cryptocurrencies

As social media grows, so too does awareness of cryptocurrencies. And hearing about them online may affect people’s behavior, according to a new study from the University of Georgia.
13-Jan-2025 9:10 AM EST Add to Favorites

Improving Health in Rural Areas Takes Community

Involving local leaders and churches could make all the difference in rural communities in diabetes prevention, according to a recent study from the University of Georgia.
12-Dec-2024 10:10 AM EST Add to Favorites

Making Self-Driving Cars Safer, Less Accident Prone

Self-driving cars rely on artificial intelligence to predict where nearby cars will go. But when those predictions don’t match reality, that discrepancy can potentially lead to crashes and less safe roadways. That’s why a recent study from the...
10-Dec-2024 12:55 PM EST Add to Favorites

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The University of Georgia, a land-grant and sea-grant university with statewide commitments and responsibilities, is the state's oldest, most comprehensive, and most diversified institution of higher education. Its motto, "to teach, to serve and to inquire into the nature of things," reflects the university's integral and unique role in the conservation and enhancement of the state's and nation's intellectual, cultural and environmental heritage.



