Newswise — To fit the way you want to work, the Tutela Genesis II monitoring system was designed from the ground up for the life science and medical industries to be the most complete, robust, flexible and future-proof solution to temperature monitoring in medical and scientific facilities.

Genesis II gives you the reassurance that your investment in monitoring will protect your priceless assets, whether anyone is at the lab or not. The Genesis II system is the most evolved system yet from Tutela. It is completely scalable from a single refrigerator to a fully integrated multi-fixture system across multiple sites - all visible from one web user interface.

The Tutela monitoring system is based around a really simple web-based graphical user interface (GUI). The interface is extremely intuitive and simple to use with minimal training and, by using web-based technology, data and records are securely accessible through the Tutela GUI 24/7 anywhere in the world on any device able to support a web-browser.

At Tutela, we understand how precious stored samples can be. Often many years of priceless research samples are being monitored and this is behind our pursuit of the highest levels of data security and redundancy. Additionally, the Tutela remote alarm bureau staff will contact client appointed personnel with any deviation from the norm to ensure that action can be taken before it becomes a problem. Contact is available via any combination of phone, text and email.

The Genesis II system is entirely web-based and wireless so installation requires minimal local IT integration or support. Through our rigorous data security protocols, that include mirrored servers, coupled with our 24/7 global data access via web-browser interfaces; our customers enjoy unprecedented data security, access and control of their medical monitoring processes.

Contact one of our temperature monitoring experts to find out more about Tutela’s Genesis II Temperature Monitoring System. We love to tell you why so many have trusted Tutela for their temperature monitoring needs. Find out more at .