Latest News from: National Research Council of Science and Technology

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Newswise: ETRI Succeeds in the Development of a p-Type Semiconductor Material to Lead Semiconductor Innovation
Released: 13-Sep-2024 9:00 AM EDT
ETRI Succeeds in the Development of a p-Type Semiconductor Material to Lead Semiconductor Innovation
National Research Council of Science and Technology

A group of Korean researchers have recently succeeded in developing new p-type semiconductor materials and thin-film transistors that will lead the innovation of the semiconductor industry.

Newswise: New 'PVDF Alternative Battery Binder' Surpasses EU Environmental Regulations!
Released: 13-Sep-2024 12:00 AM EDT
New 'PVDF Alternative Battery Binder' Surpasses EU Environmental Regulations!
National Research Council of Science and Technology

Dr. Im and Dr. Kang from KERI Develop Technology for Manufacturing Positive Electrode Binder Using 'Siloxane' Achieving Localization, Environmental Friendliness, High Performance, and Cost Reduction of the Materials Previously Imported Competitiveness

Newswise: ETRI, Making the First Leap towards a Real-Life  『Minority Report』 with AI CCTVs
Released: 12-Sep-2024 9:00 AM EDT
ETRI, Making the First Leap towards a Real-Life 『Minority Report』 with AI CCTVs
National Research Council of Science and Technology

A Korean research team has succeeded in developing a technology that can detect and predict signs of criminal activities utilizing real-time CCTVs and AI technology.

Newswise: ETRI Establishes International Standards for AI Safety and Reliability Support
Released: 11-Sep-2024 9:00 AM EDT
ETRI Establishes International Standards for AI Safety and Reliability Support
National Research Council of Science and Technology

Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) announced that the 『Data Quality Standard for Data Analysis & Machine Learning』, which has been developed to promote the international standardization in the AI, has finally been established as an official international standard.

Newswise: Cosmic radiation is an obstacle to space travel...stop it with BNNT fibers!
Released: 11-Sep-2024 12:00 AM EDT
Cosmic radiation is an obstacle to space travel...stop it with BNNT fibers!
National Research Council of Science and Technology

Cosmic radiation is an obstacle to space travel...stop it with BNNT fibers!A research team led by Dr. Dae-Yoon Kim from the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) has developed a new composite fiber that can effectively block neutrons in space radiation.

Newswise: With KIMM’s new technology, electricity can be generated from seawater
Released: 10-Sep-2024 7:30 PM EDT
With KIMM’s new technology, electricity can be generated from seawater
National Research Council of Science and Technology

KIMM develops seawater-based self-charging energy harvester. Newly developed energy harvester, which is capable of generating 4.2 times more electrical power compared with existing devices, is expected to be used for small-sized equipment such as devices for monitoring ocean environments

Newswise: Verified superb condition of the KSTAR Superconducting Magnet
Released: 10-Sep-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Verified superb condition of the KSTAR Superconducting Magnet
National Research Council of Science and Technology

The Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (KFE) announced that they have experimentally verified that KSTAR's superconducting magnets maintain maximum performance even after 16 years of continuous operation.

Newswise: Developed Proprietary Quantum Error Correction Technology Beyond the World's Leading Quantum Computing Companies
Released: 9-Sep-2024 12:00 AM EDT
Developed Proprietary Quantum Error Correction Technology Beyond the World's Leading Quantum Computing Companies
National Research Council of Science and Technology

Dr. Seung-Woo Lee and his team at the Quantum Technology Research Center at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) have developed a world-class quantum error correction technology and designed a fault-tolerant quantum computing architecture based on it.

Newswise: Detects cancer genes with ultra-high sensitivity!
Released: 6-Sep-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Detects cancer genes with ultra-high sensitivity!
National Research Council of Science and Technology

Dr. Min-young Lee and Dr. Sung-gyu Park of the Advanced Bio and Healthcare Materials Research Division at KIMS have developed a technology that can detect cancer mutant genes in blood with the world's highest sensitivity of 0.000000001% based on plasmonic nanomaterials for optical signal amplification.

Newswise: KERI Overcomes from Overseas Dependence on Drive System Technology for Machine Tools!
Released: 4-Sep-2024 9:00 AM EDT
KERI Overcomes from Overseas Dependence on Drive System Technology for Machine Tools!
National Research Council of Science and Technology

Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute (KERI) has succeeded in domestically developing the ‘CNC driving system’ technology, a core component of machine tools—often referred to as "Mother Machines," the machines that make other machines.

Newswise:Video Embedded korean-researchers-overcome-critical-challenges-in-developing-fire-risk-free-aqueous-zinc-batteries
Released: 3-Sep-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Korean Researchers Overcome Critical Challenges in Developing Fire-Risk-Free Aqueous Zinc Batteries
National Research Council of Science and Technology

The operation performance of the battery and the stability of large-area deposition have been verified, bringing the technology closer to commercialization. Also, the research was published as the cover article in the August issue of the world-renowned journal in the field of energy and materials, Advanced Energy Materials.

Newswise: ETRI Secures Leadership in International Standardization of the Metaverse
Released: 3-Sep-2024 9:00 AM EDT
ETRI Secures Leadership in International Standardization of the Metaverse
National Research Council of Science and Technology

- Leading the development of 52 metaverse-related international standards deliverables... Expanding its global influence - Acting as a key player in the development of 6 key deliverables related to the platform interoperability and the integration of virtual and real worlds... Laying a foundation for providing interoperability over metaverse cross platforms

Newswise: KIMM develops wheel that alters stiffness in real time based on situation
Released: 2-Sep-2024 1:00 PM EDT
KIMM develops wheel that alters stiffness in real time based on situation
National Research Council of Science and Technology

- Inspired by the surface tension of a liquid droplet, KIMM develops the technology for altering the stiffness of a wheel in real time - Modularization technologies applicable to various mobile systems are continuously being developed, which could help to overcome various obstacles in daily life

Newswise: Helping Public Decision-Making with AI-Based Policy Intelligence System
Released: 2-Sep-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Helping Public Decision-Making with AI-Based Policy Intelligence System
National Research Council of Science and Technology

Electronics and Communications Research Institute (ETRI) announced on July 1 that they have decided to establish a cooperative system with the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) to conduct further research regarding the development of an AI policy intelligence system that can assist public policy decision-making.

Newswise: ETRI’s CDMA Commercialization Technology Honored as a ‘Milestone’ by IEEE
Released: 30-Aug-2024 9:00 AM EDT
ETRI’s CDMA Commercialization Technology Honored as a ‘Milestone’ by IEEE
National Research Council of Science and Technology

Korean researchers announced that Korea’s Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) commercialization technology, which was the world’s first successfully commercialized CDMA technology in 1996, has been listed on the ‘Milestones Program,’ a world-renowned program hosted by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE).

Newswise: The Main Culprit of Global Warming, Refrigerants to be Replaced by Air
Released: 27-Aug-2024 9:00 AM EDT
The Main Culprit of Global Warming, Refrigerants to be Replaced by Air
National Research Council of Science and Technology

Korean researchers have successfully developed an integrated ultra-high-speed compander system, which combines a compressor and an expander, utilizing advanced design technology.

Newswise: Novel Redox-Active Metal-Organic Framework as an Anode Material for Li Batteries Operating in Freezing Conditions
Released: 22-Aug-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Novel Redox-Active Metal-Organic Framework as an Anode Material for Li Batteries Operating in Freezing Conditions
National Research Council of Science and Technology

The Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) has developed a redox-active metal-organic hybrid electrode material (SKIER-5) for Li batteries that remains stable in cold conditions as low as minus 20 degrees Celsius. Featured on the front cover of Journal of Materials Chemistry A, a leading publication in the field of materials science.

Newswise: Making Water from Air?”
Global Water Shortage, A Solution in Sight
Portable System That Harvests Water from Air Developed
First Development in Korea
Released: 20-Aug-2024 12:00 AM EDT
Making Water from Air?” Global Water Shortage, A Solution in Sight Portable System That Harvests Water from Air Developed First Development in Korea
National Research Council of Science and Technology

The research team led by Director Dr. Hyuneui Lim of the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM) is planning to commercialize a three-kilogram water harvester, to which its independently developed “portable moisture-harvesting system” has been applied.

Newswise: Rapid removal of emerging endocrine disruptors in wastewater using high-performance single-atom catalysts
Released: 13-Aug-2024 12:00 AM EDT
Rapid removal of emerging endocrine disruptors in wastewater using high-performance single-atom catalysts
National Research Council of Science and Technology

The Korean joint research team at Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) have fabricated high-performance cobalt single-atom catalysts through a chemical-free and environmentally friendly dry-based arc plasma deposition process.

Newswise: Brain Electrical Stimulation Suppresses Appetite. A New Frontier in Obesity Treatment?
Released: 12-Aug-2024 12:00 AM EDT
Brain Electrical Stimulation Suppresses Appetite. A New Frontier in Obesity Treatment?
National Research Council of Science and Technology

The team led by Dr. Shin of KERI has proposed a novel approach which is to suppress appetite by stimulating cerebral cortex electrically through scalp.
