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Released: 29-Jun-2021 3:20 PM EDT
Making seawater drinkable in minutes
National Research Council of Science and Technology

According to the World Health Organization, about 785 million people around the world lack a clean source of drinking water.

Released: 26-Jul-2021 3:55 PM EDT
Development of a Novel Technology to Check Body Temperature with Smartphone Camera
National Research Council of Science and Technology

Thermal-imaging sensors that detect and capture images of the heat signatures of human bodies and other objects have recently sprung into use in thermostats to check facial temperatures in a contactless attempt to screen for COVID-19 at several building entrances.

Released: 11-Aug-2021 1:25 PM EDT
With AI, Your Car Can Detect Potholes
National Research Council of Science and Technology

The Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (KICT) has announced the development of an 'AI-based automatic pothole detection system'.

Newswise: Charging underwater and body-implanted electronic devices using ultrasonic waves
Released: 18-Apr-2022 2:35 PM EDT
Charging underwater and body-implanted electronic devices using ultrasonic waves
National Research Council of Science and Technology

As population ages and with the advancements in medical technology, the number of patients using implanted electronic devices, such as artificial pacemakers and defibrillators, is increasing worldwide.

Newswise: “Gold veins mined in the city” A technology to realize ‘urban mining’
Released: 17-May-2022 1:15 PM EDT
“Gold veins mined in the city” A technology to realize ‘urban mining’
National Research Council of Science and Technology

In South Korea, which relies on imports for 99.3% of metal resources, the per capita consumption of metal resources is the highest in the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), and consumption of precious metals in various industries such as renewable energy, healthcare, and semiconductors is increasing.

Released: 8-Aug-2022 5:20 PM EDT
Can scratches on car surfaces disappear when exposed to sunlight? : A new self-healing coating material
National Research Council of Science and Technology

A transparent protective coating material that can be self-healed in 30 minutes when exposed to sunlight has been developed.

Newswise: Uncovering the secrets of materials degradation in lithium-ion battery
Released: 4-Oct-2022 12:00 AM EDT
Uncovering the secrets of materials degradation in lithium-ion battery
National Research Council of Science and Technology

KIST succeeded in the real-time observation of the expansion and deterioration of the anode material within batteries due to the movement of lithium ions.

Newswise: A new high-temperature plasma operating mode for fusion energy discovered at the Korean Artificial Sun, KSTAR
Released: 5-Oct-2022 8:55 AM EDT
A new high-temperature plasma operating mode for fusion energy discovered at the Korean Artificial Sun, KSTAR
National Research Council of Science and Technology

KFE and SNU research team announced that they have discovered a new plasma operating mode that can improve plasma performance for fusion energy based on an analysis of plasma operations with ultra-high temperatures over 100 million degrees (Celsius) at the Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR).

Newswise: The world’s first successful integrated measurement of exhaust and non-exhaust particulate matter (PM) emissions of various vehicle types
Released: 11-Oct-2022 12:00 AM EDT
The world’s first successful integrated measurement of exhaust and non-exhaust particulate matter (PM) emissions of various vehicle types
National Research Council of Science and Technology

KIMM announced that it has succeeded in integrated experimental measurement of exhaust (engine combustion) and non-exhaust (tire and brake wear, road wear, and re-suspended road dust) emissions from the internal combustion engine and electric vehicles.

Newswise: Development of New Technology for Wastewater Treatment for Semiconductor Production
Released: 19-Oct-2022 12:00 AM EDT
Development of New Technology for Wastewater Treatment for Semiconductor Production
National Research Council of Science and Technology

KIST developed a photocatalyst that can completely decompose a trace amount of alcohol in water within a short duration by adding a very trace amount of copper to iron oxide, which is used as a catalyst during the advanced oxidation process.
