Partnering with Healthcare Providers for Outcome-Based Exercise Programming: Children, elderly, handicapped and other groups may cross your path requiring specially designed programs to fit their individual needs. Clients with medical conditions or those facing environmental and other unique challenges are of concern today. Learn strategies to help these individuals make significant lifestyle change.
This session is part of the select populations track at the upcoming ACSM Health & Fitness Summit & Exposition taking place next week, March 31- April 3, in Phoenix, Ariz. The summit bridges the gap between science and practice, featuring world-class keynote speakers, practical workout sessions to learn new skills, stimulating and informative lectures, and extended workshops that combine lecture with a practical component.
Mike provides leadership in the delivery of Daxko T2’s portfolio of services in program development and member service. He is a career YMCA professional who served YMCAs for nearly 35 years. Most recently, Mike served the YMCA of Greater New York as Vice President, Programs, Membership and Marketing from 2006 to 2011. There he gave leadership to the delivery of health, fitness, aquatics and sports programs as well as membership management for the largest YMCA in the U.S. He was responsible for $60 million in annual membership revenue and oversaw three annual marketing campaigns responsible for producing 20,000 new members a year.