Newswise — As Dengue fever cases rise globally and in the United States, Katie Costanzo, PhD, of Canisius University, is available to offer critical insight into the contributing factors driving this alarming public health issue. 

Dr. Costanzo has published extensively on mosquito ecology, specifically that of the Aedes mosquito, which is a primary vector of Dengue.  Her expertise in this area can shed light on the insect’s behavior, habitats and dynamics of disease transmission. 

Dr. Costanzo can similarly speak to the genetic and environmental influences currently driving the worrisome increase in Dengue hotpots (the latter of which include urbanization, climate change and global travel patterns) and offer informed projections on how climate change might further alter the spread of Dengue fever in the future. 

Dr. Costanzo is available to discuss:

  • Contributing factors to the rise in Dengue cases
  • Determining factors of Dengue hotspots (Southern U.S. and South America)
  • Future projections of Dengue distribution due to climate change
  • Insights into how Dengue is spread, including details on the mosquito vectors involved and their habitats in the United States

Costanzo, K. 2023. The effect of temperature on blood feeding behavior and activity levels in the tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus.

K.S. Costanzo. 2022. Biological Invasions: The role of priority effects in limiting the success of the invasive tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus

Costanzo, K. 2018. Genetic and Environmental Influences on the Size-Fecundity Relationship in the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus

Dr. Costanzo is available to speak July 8-12, 2024.