Feature Channels: Environmental Health

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Released: 16-Sep-2024 8:55 AM EDT
Arsenic exposure linked to faster onset of diabetes in south Texas population
University of Illinois Chicago

Multiyear study finds that high levels of toxic metals in urine lead to high blood sugar

Newswise: Iowa State Leads a 'Dream' Project to Catalog Livestock DNA Regulatory Regions
Released: 12-Sep-2024 5:05 PM EDT
Iowa State Leads a 'Dream' Project to Catalog Livestock DNA Regulatory Regions
Iowa State University

A new USDA-supported project based at Iowa State University will create an encyclopedia of livestock species' genetic regulatory regions, a DNA netherworld that could be useful in breeding for improved animal efficiency and health.

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Released: 12-Sep-2024 4:05 PM EDT
Has Quebec Entered a New Era of Drug-Related Deaths?
Universite de Montreal

For the last decade, people who use drugs in Quebec have been partially sheltered from Canada’s drug overdose epidemics. But since 2020, the picture has changed.

Newswise: New Research Reveals How El NiñO Caused the Greatest Ever Mass Extinction
9-Sep-2024 9:05 AM EDT
New Research Reveals How El NiñO Caused the Greatest Ever Mass Extinction
University of Bristol

Mega ocean warming El Niño events were key in driving the largest extinction of life on planet Earth some 252 million years ago, according to new research.

Newswise: Avian flu found in wastewater of 10 Texas cities through virome sequencing by researchers at UTHealth Houston and Baylor College of Medicine
Released: 11-Sep-2024 5:05 PM EDT
Avian flu found in wastewater of 10 Texas cities through virome sequencing by researchers at UTHealth Houston and Baylor College of Medicine
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Avian influenza A(H5N1) virus, which spread to cattle and infected 14 people this year, was detected using virome sequencing in the wastewater of 10 Texas cities by researchers at UTHealth Houston and Baylor College of Medicine.

Newswise: Five Questions: FAMU-FSU Professor Uncovers the Impacts of Hurricane Flooding on Mold Growth
Released: 11-Sep-2024 3:05 PM EDT
Five Questions: FAMU-FSU Professor Uncovers the Impacts of Hurricane Flooding on Mold Growth
Florida State University

By: Kayla Cardenas | Published: September 11, 2024 | 12:09 pm | SHARE: Atlantic hurricane season is nearing its peak, raising alarms for mold outbreaks triggered by flooding and the respiratory health issues to follow.Ebrahim Ahmadisharaf, an assistant professor and researcher at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering’s Resilient Infrastructure and Disaster Response Center, or RIDER, is shedding new light on the indirect effects of flood damage on residential buildings and human health.

Newswise: Planning for Impacts of Floods and Clouds on Power
Released: 11-Sep-2024 3:05 PM EDT
Planning for Impacts of Floods and Clouds on Power
Brookhaven National Laboratory

On the heels of a Northeastern rainstorm that flooded towns on Long Island and claimed at least two lives in Connecticut, teams of scientists, engineers, and representatives of local power and transportation utilities met to discuss the increasing frequency of severe weather and its impacts on crucial infrastructure. The timing for the meeting at New York’s Kennedy International Airport August 21-22, 2024, was a coincidence.

Newswise: Laser-Focused on Rainforest Carbon Loss
Released: 11-Sep-2024 2:05 PM EDT
Laser-Focused on Rainforest Carbon Loss
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Scientists using high-resolution aerial scans and computational modeling concluded that wildfires, storms and selective logging have become key drivers behind rainforest carbon emissions, outpacing clear-cutting practices.The team used drones equipped with light detection and ranging sensors, or LiDAR, to measure tree biomass and carbon emissions in Brazilian forests.

Newswise: Hot Streets, Historic Bias: Effects on Neighborhood Walking in Older Adults
Released: 11-Sep-2024 8:30 AM EDT
Hot Streets, Historic Bias: Effects on Neighborhood Walking in Older Adults
Florida Atlantic University

Redlining from the 1930s, marked minority and low-income neighborhoods as “hazardous,” which influenced mortgage and insurance decisions. Results show that redlined areas have less greenspace and more pavement, intensifying urban heat. While higher temperatures generally decreased walking in “still desirable” or “best” neighborhoods, this effect was not significant in “definitely declining” or “hazardous” areas, possibly due to greater reliance on walking for essential activities. Findings underscore the lasting impact of discriminatory policies on environmental vulnerability and physical activity.

Newswise:Video Embedded carbohydrate-polymers-could-be-a-sweet-solution-for-water-purification
6-Sep-2024 8:00 AM EDT
Carbohydrate polymers could be a sweet solution for water purification
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers in ACS Central Science report a sugar-like polymer that traps heavy metals within insoluble clumps for easy removal. In proof-of-concept tests, the polymer removed ionic cadmium and lead from river water spiked with these persistent contaminants.

Released: 10-Sep-2024 6:05 PM EDT
Primex, Inc. Celebrates 50+ Years in Business
Primex, Inc.

The industry leader in automated environmental monitoring and synchronized time solutions looks to continue success and community involvement for years to come

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Released: 10-Sep-2024 2:05 PM EDT
Restoring a Fire Resilient and Rare Pacific Northwest Tree
Cal Poly Humboldt

Cal Poly Humboldt Forestry Professor Jeff Kane is leading a project funded by the USDA Forest Service in collaboration with Ecologist, Kyle Merriam, to reestablish Baker Cypress in areas where it was nearly extirpated by the 2021 Dixie Fire, with significant involvement from students.

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Released: 10-Sep-2024 1:05 PM EDT
Impact of Thinning Treatments on Fire-Resilient Redwood Forests
Cal Poly Humboldt

The research aims to assess changes in surface fuels, tree mortality, regeneration, and the general health of secondary redwood forests.

Released: 10-Sep-2024 12:00 PM EDT
Expert Available: Wildfires in California and Nevada Led to Mandatory Evacuations
George Washington University

Wildfires continue to rage in parts of California and Nevada forcing mandatory evacuations for homes nearby. ...

Newswise: MSU Researchers Find US Lakes in Communities of Color Are Monitored Less for Water Quality
Released: 9-Sep-2024 12:05 PM EDT
MSU Researchers Find US Lakes in Communities of Color Are Monitored Less for Water Quality
Michigan State University

Lakes provide drinking water, food, recreation and mental health benefits to people who use them or live nearby. Regular monitoring of water quality is essential to collect information to track lake health. Without this information, people who use the lakes may be at a higher risk if water quality is poor.

Newswise: Newly Published Article Outlines Case for Considering Adding Iron to the Ocean for Carbon Dioxide Removal
Released: 9-Sep-2024 8:00 AM EDT
Newly Published Article Outlines Case for Considering Adding Iron to the Ocean for Carbon Dioxide Removal
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

A newly published article spells out the work needed to assess the potential of ocean iron fertilization as a low cost, scalable, and rapidly deployable method of mCDR.

Newswise: Researchers Explore How Income, Race and Design Affect Pedestrian Casualties
Released: 6-Sep-2024 8:30 AM EDT
Researchers Explore How Income, Race and Design Affect Pedestrian Casualties
Florida Atlantic University

Researchers examined environmental factors associated with crash incidence in lower-income and more affluent areas in Broward and Palm Beach counties, revealing that the nature of pedestrian crash risk is markedly different in lower income communities than in more affluent ones.

Newswise: FAMU-FSU College of Engineering researchers examine how drought and water volume affect nutrients in Apalachicola River
Released: 5-Sep-2024 6:05 PM EDT
FAMU-FSU College of Engineering researchers examine how drought and water volume affect nutrients in Apalachicola River
Florida State University

New research led by FAMU-FSU College of Engineering Assistant Professor Ebrahim Ahmadisharaf examined how drought and water volume in the Lower Apalachicola River watershed affect nitrogen and phosphorous, crucial nutrients for a healthy aquatic ecosystem.

Released: 5-Sep-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Pioneering report exposes worsening health threats of climate change in UK
University of Bristol

A new report has revealed for the first time the wide-ranging and increasing health dangers posed by long-term weather extremes in the UK, as the effects of climate change deepen.

Newswise: La WCS et le ministère congolais de l'Économie forestière lancent le projet pilote HIFOR (High Integrity Forest Investment Initiative)
Released: 5-Sep-2024 9:05 AM EDT
La WCS et le ministère congolais de l'Économie forestière lancent le projet pilote HIFOR (High Integrity Forest Investment Initiative)
Wildlife Conservation Society

Pour aider à financer la protection des dernières forêts à haute intégrité, le ministère congolais de l'Économie Forestière et la WCS ont lancé ce 30 août le projet pilote HIFOR dans le Parc National de Nouabalé-Ndoki.
