Feature Channels: Epilepsy

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Newswise: Transition to adult care in epilepsy: Bridging the gap
Released: 21-Aug-2024 2:05 PM EDT
Transition to adult care in epilepsy: Bridging the gap
International League Against Epilepsy

Once they turn 18, most adolescents with epilepsy must transfer from pediatric to adult care. Factors on both the pediatric and adult sides of the health care system can make this process fragmented and stressful. How can pediatric and adult neurologists ensure that teenagers with epilepsy do not get lost in the system?

Newswise: Consensus recommendations for epilepsy with eyelid myoclonia (Jeavons syndrome): Dr. Kelsey Smith
Released: 21-Aug-2024 1:05 PM EDT
Consensus recommendations for epilepsy with eyelid myoclonia (Jeavons syndrome): Dr. Kelsey Smith
International League Against Epilepsy

A recent publication outlines consensus recommendations on several aspects of managing epilepsy with eyelid myoclonia, also known as Jeavons syndrome. What are the most effective first-line medications? Are there non-pharmacologic treatment options? Can people with this type of epilepsy drive safely? Dr. Alina Ivaniuk talks to the paper’s first author, Dr. Kelsey Smith.

Newswise: Planes de acción para las crisis epilépticas: más que herramientas de tratamiento para la epilepsia
Released: 20-Aug-2024 12:05 PM EDT
Planes de acción para las crisis epilépticas: más que herramientas de tratamiento para la epilepsia
International League Against Epilepsy

Históricamente, los planes de acción contra las convulsiones se han centrado en ciertos grupos de personas con epilepsia de alto riesgo. Pero algunos médicos dicen que los planes de acción para las convulsiones son importantes herramientas educativas y de control de las convulsiones que deben ofrecerse a todos.

Newswise: How Is Care Changing for Kids With Tuberous Sclerosis Complex?
Released: 15-Aug-2024 7:05 AM EDT
How Is Care Changing for Kids With Tuberous Sclerosis Complex?
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

This spring, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles became one of just 15 pediatric hospitals in the country to be designated as a TSC Alliance Center of Excellence—demonstrating the highest level of comprehensive services for diagnosing and managing tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC). CHLA sees more than 120 young patients a year with TSC.

Newswise: 1920_mamelak-and-rustishauser-cedars-sinai.jpg?10000
Released: 14-Aug-2024 4:05 PM EDT
Patterns of Intelligence

The coordinated activity of brain cells, like birds flying in formation, helps us behave intelligently in new situations, according to a study led by Cedars-Sinai investigators.

Newswise: Outcomes in developmental and epileptic encephalopathies: Managing more than seizures – Dr. Scott Demarest
Released: 12-Aug-2024 1:05 PM EDT
Outcomes in developmental and epileptic encephalopathies: Managing more than seizures – Dr. Scott Demarest
International League Against Epilepsy

Besides seizures, people with developmental and epileptic encephalopathies can experience a wide variety of symptoms, including sleep problems, vision problems, and behavioral issues. Dr. Scott Demarest discusses how neurologists may be able to address some of these issues, potentially improving outcomes and quality of life.

Newswise: Éduquer les non-spécialistes au Mexique : un nouveau cours universitaire offre une expérience hybride
Released: 9-Aug-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Éduquer les non-spécialistes au Mexique : un nouveau cours universitaire offre une expérience hybride
International League Against Epilepsy

En raison du manque relatif de neurologues, la plupart des prestataires de soins de santé primaires en Amérique latine sont chargés de fournir des soins aux personnes atteintes d’épilepsie. Néanmoins, comme la plupart des professionnels de la santé primaires dans le monde, ces professionnels n’ont pas une formation suffisante pour gérer l’épilepsie. Un nouveau cursus universitaire vise à résoudre ce problème en formant les prestataires de soins de santé par le biais d’un programme structuré.

Newswise: Genetic ‘episignatures’ guide researchers in identifying causes of unsolved epileptic neurological disorders
Released: 6-Aug-2024 3:05 PM EDT
Genetic ‘episignatures’ guide researchers in identifying causes of unsolved epileptic neurological disorders
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Scientists at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital use DNA methylation patterns as a roadmap for identifying causes of severe epilepsies in children.

Newswise: Investigación y financiación de la epilepsia en países de bajos recursos: cuestiones éticas y pasos hacia la equidad
Released: 1-Aug-2024 1:05 PM EDT
Investigación y financiación de la epilepsia en países de bajos recursos: cuestiones éticas y pasos hacia la equidad
International League Against Epilepsy

Menos del 10% de la financiación de la investigación sobre la epilepsia se destina a la salud en los países de menores recursos, a pesar de que el 80% de las personas con epilepsia viven en estos países. La promoción de la investigación mundial sobre la epilepsia y la mejora de las vías de financiación tienen el potencial de aumentar la capacidad de investigación de los países de ingresos bajos y medianos y promover la equidad en la investigación de la epilepsia en todo el mundo.

Newswise: Investigación sobre la epilepsia en áreas de bajos recursos: las complejidades de los datos y del consentimiento
Released: 1-Aug-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Investigación sobre la epilepsia en áreas de bajos recursos: las complejidades de los datos y del consentimiento
International League Against Epilepsy

Aunque el 80% de las personas con epilepsia viven en países de ingresos bajos y medianos, la mayoría de las investigaciones sobre la epilepsia se originan en regiones de ingresos altos.

Newswise: Seizure action plans: More than management tools for epilepsy
Released: 31-Jul-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Seizure action plans: More than management tools for epilepsy
International League Against Epilepsy

Historically, seizure action plans have focused on certain high-risk groups of people with epilepsy. But some clinicians say that seizure action plans are important educational and seizure management tools that should be offered to everyone.

Released: 17-Jul-2024 1:05 PM EDT
MSU research: Patients value extended medical interventions – like EEG tests – beyond their clinical us
Michigan State University

Electroencephalograms, or EEGs, are tests used to visualize brain activity and diagnose seizures in patients with epilepsy. Research from Michigan State University shows that while practitioners value EEGs for the information they provide, patients value EEGs in ways that far outweigh the test’s clinical utility to practitioners.

Newswise: Al volante: Cómo conducir con epilepsia
Released: 15-Jul-2024 10:05 AM EDT
Al volante: Cómo conducir con epilepsia
International League Against Epilepsy

Para las personas con epilepsia, la capacidad de conducir se encuentra entre sus principales preocupaciones. Las regulaciones varían de un país a otro; muchos países tienen algunas restricciones para que las personas con epilepsia puedan conducir, pero algunos otros no tienen políticas establecidas al respecto.

Newswise: July 2024 Issue of Neurosurgical Focus: Video: “Epilepsy Surgery”
28-Jun-2024 2:05 PM EDT
July 2024 Issue of Neurosurgical Focus: Video: “Epilepsy Surgery”
Journal of Neurosurgery

Announcement of contents of the July 2024 issue of Neurosurgical Focus: Video

Released: 20-Jun-2024 10:05 AM EDT
Antiseizure Medications Can Produce Life-Threatening Reactions
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Rutgers Health neurology, dermatology, and pharmacy researchers explain how to distinguish concerning rashes from less severe reactions.

Newswise: Superar las barreras quirúrgicas en áreas de bajos recursos
Released: 19-Jun-2024 2:05 PM EDT
Superar las barreras quirúrgicas en áreas de bajos recursos
International League Against Epilepsy

Hasta la mitad de las personas con epilepsia resistente a los medicamentos (ERD) pueden beneficiarse de la cirugía. Sin embargo, en muchas regiones de bajos recursos, el establecimiento de un programa quirúrgico requiere enfrentar múltiples desafíos.

Newswise: The power of big data in epilepsy research: Dr. Philippe Ryvlin
Released: 14-Jun-2024 1:05 PM EDT
The power of big data in epilepsy research: Dr. Philippe Ryvlin
International League Against Epilepsy

The Human Intracerebral EEG Platform is a cloud-based environment that encourages centers to share data and conduct research with state-of-the-art methodologies. Dr. Maryam Nouri interviews Dr. Philippe Ryvlin about the potential of the platform to advance the understanding of human brain function.

Newswise: Super-Chilled Brain Cell Molecules Reveal How Epilepsy Drug Works
Released: 10-Jun-2024 11:00 AM EDT
Super-Chilled Brain Cell Molecules Reveal How Epilepsy Drug Works
Johns Hopkins Medicine

By super cooling a molecule on the surface of brain cells down to about minus 180 degrees Celsius — nearly twice as cold as the coldest places in Antarctica — scientists at Johns Hopkins Medicine say they have determined how a widely-used epilepsy drug works to dampen the excitability of brain cells and help to control, although not cure, seizures.

Newswise: Letter to editor and response: Is neurocysticercosis a main cause of epilepsy?
Released: 7-Jun-2024 12:05 PM EDT
Letter to editor and response: Is neurocysticercosis a main cause of epilepsy?
International League Against Epilepsy

ILAE produced a podcast episode in 2023 in which Dr. Hector Garcia talked about neurocysticercosis as a main cause of epilepsy. Two researchers from Latin America wrote in and questioned how frequently this parasitic infection actually leads to epilepsy. Dr. Garcia responded.

Newswise: Reproductive health counseling in young women with epilepsy: Room for improvement
Released: 7-Jun-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Reproductive health counseling in young women with epilepsy: Room for improvement
International League Against Epilepsy

Pediatric neurologists are not counseling young adults with epilepsy about reproductive issues as frequently as needed, according to a recent 10-year study. Some conversations, such as those about pregnancy and the potential effects of antiseizure medications, are almost nonexistent.
