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Released: 13-Mar-2025 10:55 AM EDT
Pensando fora da caixa: Descobrindo uma nova abordagem para o monitoramento de ondas cerebrais
Mayo Clinic

Pesquisadores da Mayo Clinic descobriram uma nova maneira de detectar e monitorar com mais precisão a atividade das células cerebrais durante a estimulação cerebral profunda, um tratamento comum para distúrbios do movimento, como a doença de Parkinson e tremor. Essa precisão pode ajudar os médicos a ajustar a colocação e a estimulação dos eletrodos em tempo real, proporcionando um atendimento melhor e mais personalizado aos pacientes que recebem o procedimento cirúrgico. O estudo está publicado no Journal of Neurophysiology.

Released: 13-Mar-2025 10:50 AM EDT
Pensando fuera de la caja: Descubriendo un nuevo enfoque para el monitoreo de ondas cerebrales
Mayo Clinic

Investigadores de Mayo Clinic han descubierto una nueva manera de detectar y monitorear con mayor precisión la actividad de las células cerebrales durante la estimulación cerebral profunda, un tratamiento común para los trastornos del movimiento como la enfermedad de Parkinson y temblor. Esta precisión puede ayudar a los médicos a ajustar la colocación y la estimulación de los electrodos en tiempo real, brindando una atención mejor y más personalizada a los pacientes que reciben el procedimiento quirúrgico. El estudio se publica en Journal of Neurophysiology.

Released: 13-Mar-2025 10:05 AM EDT
Thinking Outside the Box: Uncovering a Novel Approach to Brainwave Monitoring
Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic researchers have found a new way to more precisely detect and monitor brain cell activity during deep brain stimulation, a common treatment for movement disorders such as Parkinson's disease and tremor.

Newswise: Inverted Pyramid Sensor: Paving the Way for Next-Gen Magnetic Sensing
Released: 13-Mar-2025 9:55 AM EDT
Inverted Pyramid Sensor: Paving the Way for Next-Gen Magnetic Sensing
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A team of researchers has developed a pioneering 3-axis Hall-effect magnetic sensor based on an inverted pyramid structure. This innovative design offers significant advancements in both sensitivity and offset reduction, positioning it as a promising solution for applications requiring precise and reliable magnetic field detection in automotive, industrial, and consumer electronics.

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Newswise: Topological Beaming of Light: A New Approach to Precision Beam Shaping
Released: 13-Mar-2025 9:05 AM EDT
Topological Beaming of Light: A New Approach to Precision Beam Shaping
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A novel approach to optical beam shaping based on topological physics effect experimentally demonstrated for the first time. By fabricating thin-film dielectric structures with precisely engineered properties, this new technique allows systematic control over beam profiles as opposed to conventional approaches involving tedious numerical optimization procedures.

Released: 13-Mar-2025 9:05 AM EDT
Vave Health Introduces World's First Wireless, Handheld, Whole-Body Ultrasound with a Single PZT Transducer
Vave Health

Vave Health proudly announces the launch of its Universal Wireless Probe. This simple, innovative device is designed to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and diagnostics in a variety of clinical and educational settings. Its combination of linear and phased imaging technology provides high quality, full-body imaging with no ongoing subscription fees or hidden costs.

Newswise: Researchers at Case Western Reserve University Identify RNA Molecule as Possible Driver of Gastric Cancer
Released: 13-Mar-2025 9:00 AM EDT
Researchers at Case Western Reserve University Identify RNA Molecule as Possible Driver of Gastric Cancer
Case Western Reserve University

Researchers at Case Western Reserve University have discovered molecules that present the potential to drive the development of gastric cancer—among the world’s deadliest forms of the disease.

Released: 13-Mar-2025 9:00 AM EDT
ENDO 2025 Opens Media Registration
Endocrine Society

Members of the media can now register to cover hormone health and science advances at ENDO 2025, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting. The meeting will take place July 12-15, in San Francisco, Calif.

10-Mar-2025 7:30 PM EDT
Retiring Abroad Puts Older Adults at Risk for Loneliness, Study Finds
American Psychological Association (APA)

Many people dream of retiring to a warmer, less expensive country. But retirees who move abroad may be at greater risk of loneliness than those who stay in their home country, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.

Released: 13-Mar-2025 7:00 AM EDT
Nature Relieves Physical Pain: Pain-Related Signals in the Brain Are Reduced
University of Vienna

In a new study, an international team of neuroscientists led by the University of Vienna has shown that experiencing nature can alleviate acute physical pain. Surprisingly, simply watching nature videos was enough to relieve pain. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, the researchers found that acute pain was rated as less intense and unpleasant when watching nature videos – along with a reduction in brain activity associated with pain. The results suggest that nature-based therapies can be used as promising complementary approaches to pain management. The study was recently published in the renowned journal Nature Communications.

Newswise: KRISS Develops Energy Filter Technology to Stabilize Single-Electron Qubits
Released: 13-Mar-2025 6:30 AM EDT
KRISS Develops Energy Filter Technology to Stabilize Single-Electron Qubits
National Research Council of Science and Technology

The Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS, President: Dr. Lee Ho Seong) has developed a technology that controls the energy of single electrons in the desired form.

Released: 13-Mar-2025 6:15 AM EDT
Introducing the 2025 AADOCR Delta Dental Institute Oral Health Equity Research Award Recipients
Delta Dental Institute

The American Association for Dental, Oral, and Craniofacial Research (AADOCR) and the Delta Dental Institute (DDI) are proud to name Heidi Longi, DMD, and Jeri Bullock, DDS, University of Utah, and Kristin Hoeft, PhD, University of California, as the 2025 recipients of the AADOCR DDI Oral Health Equity Research Award.

Released: 13-Mar-2025 6:00 AM EDT
New AACN Scholarships Support Associate Degree Nursing Students
American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN)

The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses is partnering with the Organization for Associate Degree Nursing to provide up to 16 $2,500 scholarships this year to students currently enrolled in nursing programs that are institutional members of OADN. Applications due by June 1, with awards announced in November.

Newswise: Quantum-Inspired Cameras Capture the Start of Life
Released: 13-Mar-2025 5:40 AM EDT
Quantum-Inspired Cameras Capture the Start of Life
University of Adelaide

Researchers at the University of Adelaide have performed the first imaging of embryos using cameras designed for quantum measurements. The University’s Centre of Light for Life academics investigated how to best use ultrasensitive camera technology, including the latest generation of cameras that can count individual packets of light energy at each pixel, for life sciences.

Newswise: Depressing Findings for Those Suffering From Eating Disorders
Released: 13-Mar-2025 5:35 AM EDT
Depressing Findings for Those Suffering From Eating Disorders
University of South Australia

New research shows that people with eating disorders are more harshly judged than those suffering from depression, making it much harder for them to seek treatment.

Released: 13-Mar-2025 12:05 AM EDT
التفكير خارج الإطار التقليدي: الكشف عن أسلوب جديد لمراقبة الموجات الدماغية
Mayo Clinic

روتشستر، ولاية مينيسوتا— اكتشف باحثون مايو كلينك طريقة جديدة لرصد نشاط الخلايا الدماغية ومراقبتها بصورة أدق خلال التنبيه العميق للدماغ، وهو علاج شائع لاضطرابات الحركة مثل داء باركينسون والرُعاش. وقد تساعد هذه الدقة الأطباء على تعديل وضعية الأقطاب الكهربائية والتنبيه في الوقت الفعلي، مما يوفر رعاية أفضل وأكثر تخصيصًا للمرضى المتلقين لهذا الإجراء الجراحي. نُشرت الدراسة في مجلة الفيزيولوجيا العصبية (Journal of Neurophysiology).

Newswise: Heavy Ligands Unravel New Chemistry for Heavy Elements
Released: 12-Mar-2025 8:50 PM EDT
Heavy Ligands Unravel New Chemistry for Heavy Elements
Department of Energy, Office of Science

The transplutonium actinides are highly radioactive and rare, making them difficult to study. To examine their chemical properties, researchers typically use non-radioactive lanthanides as surrogates. In this study, scientists streamlined the synthesis of transplutonium actinide compounds, which allowed for more accurate direct comparisons of lanthanides and heavy actinide compounds, showing that transplutonium actinides have truly unique properties.

Released: 12-Mar-2025 8:45 PM EDT
MSU Study Reveals Dopamine’s Unexpected Role in Memory Devaluation
Michigan State University

EAST LANSING, Mich. – New research out of Michigan State University expands on current understanding of the brain chemical dopamine, finding that it plays a role in reducing the value of memories associated with rewards. The study — published in the open access journal Communications Biology — opens new avenues for understanding dopamine’s role in the brain.

Newswise: “Why Does ChatGPT ‘Delve’ So Much?”: FSU Researchers Begin to Uncover Why ChatGPT Overuses Certain Words   
Released: 12-Mar-2025 8:35 PM EDT
“Why Does ChatGPT ‘Delve’ So Much?”: FSU Researchers Begin to Uncover Why ChatGPT Overuses Certain Words   
Florida State University

A team of two Florida State University researchers, a computational linguist and a philosopher of science, is launching a novel research area to investigate why ChatGPT responds the way it does.
