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Released: 23-May-2006 5:45 PM EDT
PDAs Foster Learning
Rowan University

A two-year Rowan University study shows that clicker-like devices can improve classroom outcomes.

Released: 2-Aug-2006 5:05 PM EDT
9/11 Changed Culture, Attitude of Street Cops
Rowan University

One of the most significant changes in policing since 9/11 may be how the nation's lowest ranking officers approach their daily patrols, according to a new Rowan University study.

Released: 25-Aug-2006 6:20 PM EDT
Continuity in Behavior of Bullies, Victims
Rowan University

Remember that bully on the playground in elementary school? A Rowan University study has found that it's not uncommon for elementary school bullies to continue bullying throughout their high school and college years. And the same apparently goes for people who have been targets of bullies, according to the study's lead author.

Released: 12-Mar-2007 4:10 PM EDT
Is It a Particle, a Wave Or Both? Science Team Revisits Nature of Light
Rowan University

Light is made of particles and waves, research published in "Foundations of Physics" shows. Team's findings refute 80-year-old belief.

Released: 4-Apr-2007 4:00 PM EDT
Northeast Colleges Adjust to Class Rank Omission
Rowan University

Students and parents are anxiously checking their mailboxes for thick envelopes, wondering if the students were accepted into their first-choice college. A survey of Northeast higher ed institutions shows that more and more of them are making their decisions -- and offering those thick envelopes -- without the benefit of class rank.

Released: 13-Apr-2007 2:15 PM EDT
Study Shows Hope for Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s
Rowan University

EEGs can help in the diagnosis of early-stage Alzheimer's disease, indicates a multi-year study by three institutions for the National Institutes of Health's National Institute on Aging.

Released: 23-Dec-2009 12:10 PM EST
Students Return to Africa to Help Improve Flooded Roadway
Rowan University

A Rowan University Engineers Without Borders-USA team will return to The Gambia in Africa to help alleviate road flooding that severely impacts eight impoverished villages.

Released: 1-Feb-2010 4:55 PM EST
Mi-Stories: Working to Help People with Autism
Rowan University

A Rowan University professor and his partner have developed Mi-Stories, videotaped scenarios of common social situations to assist people with autism. The videos are downloadable, and readily available, on Apple i-Pods.

Released: 28-Jul-2010 7:00 AM EDT
State of Sprawl: NJ's Urbanization Continues
Rowan University

Though its population has increased only slightly, urban development in New Jersey continued—and even gained momentum—over a 21-year span ending in 2007, according to a new study by researchers at Rowan and Rutgers universities.

Released: 20-Jan-2011 3:00 PM EST
Stakeholders Have Explicit Expectations of Fire Departments
Rowan University

Due to budget problems, the City of Camden, N.J., has just laid off numerous police and fire personnel. It's not the only community facing a financial crisis. Dr. Robert Fleming, a nationally recognized authority on fire and emergency services and the author of Effective Fire and Emergency Services Administration, discusses stakeholder expectations.
