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Newswise: Light People: Prof. Juejun Hu, exploring the light
Released: 10-Sep-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Light People: Prof. Juejun Hu, exploring the light
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Professor Juejun Hu was admitted by Tsinghua University as top scorer in the science college entrance examination of Fujian Province.

Newswise: Adaptive-Optical 3D Microscopy For Microfluidic Multiphase Flows
Released: 10-Sep-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Adaptive-Optical 3D Microscopy For Microfluidic Multiphase Flows
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A real-time adaptive optics system was developed, characterised and applied to measure the 3D flow field through an oscillating surface of a water drop on an opaque Gas Diffusion Layer. A case study shows that the system corrects successfully measurement errors of the flow field that are caused by the refraction of light at the time-varying water-air interface.

Newswise: New Study Shows that Chronic Neurodegeneration can be Prevented after Traumatic Brain Injury
Released: 10-Sep-2024 9:05 AM EDT
New Study Shows that Chronic Neurodegeneration can be Prevented after Traumatic Brain Injury
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center

Violent blows or jolts to the head can cause traumatic brain injury (TBI), and there are currently about five million people in the U.S. living with chronic neurodegeneration and related impairments due to TBI.

Newswise: Verified superb condition of the KSTAR Superconducting Magnet
Released: 10-Sep-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Verified superb condition of the KSTAR Superconducting Magnet
National Research Council of Science and Technology

The Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (KFE) announced that they have experimentally verified that KSTAR's superconducting magnets maintain maximum performance even after 16 years of continuous operation.

5-Sep-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Girls may start puberty early due to chemical exposure
Endocrine Society

Girls exposed to certain endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) may be more likely to start puberty early, according to new research published in Endocrinology, the flagship basic science journal of the Endocrine Society. EDCs mimic, block or interfere with hormones in the body's endocrine system.

Newswise:Video Embedded what-s-really-fueling-harmful-algae-in-florida-s-lake-okeechobee
Released: 10-Sep-2024 8:30 AM EDT
What’s Really ‘Fueling’ Harmful Algae in Florida’s Lake Okeechobee?
Florida Atlantic University

Historically, Lake Okeechobee was thought to be impaired only by phosphorus, focusing efforts on reducing agricultural runoff. However, new comprehensive sampling across the Lake Okeechobee Waterway and its connected estuaries shows that toxic algal blooms also are driven by rising nitrogen levels from human waste and urban runoff. Increased nitrogen, worsened by extreme rainfall, significantly fuels bloom severity. Findings underscore the need for integrated nutrient management and improved wastewater treatment to protect the lake and its estuaries.

Newswise: Telecom-band Multiwavelength Vertical Emitting Quantum Well Nanowire Laser Arrays
Released: 10-Sep-2024 8:05 AM EDT
Telecom-band Multiwavelength Vertical Emitting Quantum Well Nanowire Laser Arrays
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A new facet engineering approach achieves controlled nanowire dimensions with high crystalline quality, enabling on-substrate vertical emitting lasing from ordered InGaAs/InP multi-quantum well nanowire arrays grown on InP substrates.

Newswise: New Study Accelerates AI-Based Particle Size Probe for Medication Manufacturing
Released: 10-Sep-2024 8:05 AM EDT
New Study Accelerates AI-Based Particle Size Probe for Medication Manufacturing
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Non-invasive estimation of particle size distribution has been a long-term desire in pharmaceutical drying process, a critical step in the production of medication and chemical compounds. To address this challenge, MIT scientists invented a method to accelerate a current particle size probe by 60 times, achieving the fastest non-invasive size monitoring.

Newswise: Thin Film Ferroelectric Photonic-Electronic Memory
Released: 10-Sep-2024 8:05 AM EDT
Thin Film Ferroelectric Photonic-Electronic Memory
Chinese Academy of Sciences

An international team led by Professor Gong Xiao from the National University of Singapore has developed a groundbreaking non-volatile photonic-electronic memory chip, published in Light: Science & Applications.

Newswise: Deep Learning-based Processing and Reconstruction of Compromised Biophotonic Image Data
Released: 10-Sep-2024 8:05 AM EDT
Deep Learning-based Processing and Reconstruction of Compromised Biophotonic Image Data
Chinese Academy of Sciences

In recent years, the convergence of deep learning and biophotonics has ushered in a new era of bioimaging. This article reviews emerging approaches where certain measurement metrics are intentionally compromised to develop cost-effective, high-speed or more compact bioimaging tools.
