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Released: 10-Sep-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Pesquisadores da Mayo desenvolvem ferramenta que mede a saúde do microbioma intestinal de uma pessoa
Mayo Clinic

Uma equipe de pesquisadores da Mayo Clinic desenvolveu uma ferramenta computacional inovadora que analisa o microbioma intestinal, um ecossistema complexo de trilhões de bactérias, fungos, vírus e outros microorganismos dentro do sistema digestivo, para fornecer informações sobre o bem-estar geral do indivíduo.

Released: 10-Sep-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Investigadores de Mayo desarrollan una herramienta que mide la salud del microbioma intestinal de una persona
Mayo Clinic

Un equipo de investigadores de Mayo Clinic ha desarrollado una herramienta computacional innovadora que analiza el microbioma intestinal, un complejo ecosistema de billones de bacterias, hongos, virus y otros microorganismos dentro del sistema digestivo, para proporcionar información sobre el bienestar general del individuo.

Newswise: Thanks to humans, Salish Sea waters are too noisy for resident orcas to hunt successfully
Released: 10-Sep-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Thanks to humans, Salish Sea waters are too noisy for resident orcas to hunt successfully
University of Washington

Scientists report that underwater noise pollution — from both large and small vessels — forces northern and southern resident orcas to expend more time and energy hunting for fish. The din also lowers the overall success of their hunting efforts. Noise from ships likely has an outsized impact on southern resident orca pods, which spend more time in areas with high ship traffic.

Newswise: Study recommends nutrition coaching for young athletes
Released: 10-Sep-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Study recommends nutrition coaching for young athletes
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Young athletes face an array of nutritional risks that could hamper their performance, recovery from injury, and overall wellness, researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center and Scottish Rite for Children found.

6-Sep-2024 2:05 PM EDT
New Law Regulating Out-of-Pocket Drug Spending Saves Cancer Patients More Than $7,000 a Year, Study Finds
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

As prescription oral chemotherapies have become a common form of cancer treatment, some patients were paying more than $10,000 a year for medications. A new study finds that efforts to cap prescription drug spending are yielding significant out-of-pocket savings for these patients.

Released: 10-Sep-2024 10:00 AM EDT
MD Anderson Research Highlights Special Edition: ESMO 2024
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center’s Research Highlights provides a glimpse into recent basic, translational and clinical cancer research from MD Anderson experts.

Newswise: Light People: Prof. Juejun Hu, exploring the light
Released: 10-Sep-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Light People: Prof. Juejun Hu, exploring the light
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Professor Juejun Hu was admitted by Tsinghua University as top scorer in the science college entrance examination of Fujian Province.

Newswise: Adaptive-Optical 3D Microscopy For Microfluidic Multiphase Flows
Released: 10-Sep-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Adaptive-Optical 3D Microscopy For Microfluidic Multiphase Flows
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A real-time adaptive optics system was developed, characterised and applied to measure the 3D flow field through an oscillating surface of a water drop on an opaque Gas Diffusion Layer. A case study shows that the system corrects successfully measurement errors of the flow field that are caused by the refraction of light at the time-varying water-air interface.

Newswise: New Study Shows that Chronic Neurodegeneration can be Prevented after Traumatic Brain Injury
Released: 10-Sep-2024 9:05 AM EDT
New Study Shows that Chronic Neurodegeneration can be Prevented after Traumatic Brain Injury
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center

Violent blows or jolts to the head can cause traumatic brain injury (TBI), and there are currently about five million people in the U.S. living with chronic neurodegeneration and related impairments due to TBI.

Newswise: Verified superb condition of the KSTAR Superconducting Magnet
Released: 10-Sep-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Verified superb condition of the KSTAR Superconducting Magnet
National Research Council of Science and Technology

The Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (KFE) announced that they have experimentally verified that KSTAR's superconducting magnets maintain maximum performance even after 16 years of continuous operation.
