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Release date: 23-Oct-2024 2:50 PM EDT
Estudo da Mayo Clinic: O que ficar em pé em uma perna só pode te dizer
Mayo Clinic

Quanto tempo uma pessoa consegue ficar em pé — em uma perna só — é uma medida mais reveladora do envelhecimento do que mudanças na força ou na marcha, de acordo com uma nova pesquisa da Mayo Clinic. O estudo foi publicado hoje na revista PLOS ONE.

Release date: 23-Oct-2024 2:40 PM EDT
Estudio de Mayo Clinic: Lo que estar de pie en una pierna puede decirte
Mayo Clinic

El tiempo que una persona puede permanecer de pie, en una sola pierna, es una medida más reveladora del envejecimiento que los cambios en la fuerza o en la marcha, según una nueva investigación de Mayo Clinic. El estudio fue publicado hoy en la revista PLOS ONE.

Release date: 23-Oct-2024 2:15 PM EDT
Mayo Clinic study: What standing on one leg can tell you
Mayo Clinic

How long a person can stand — on one leg — is a more telltale measure of aging than changes in strength or gait, according to new Mayo Clinic research. The study appears today in the journal PLOS ONE.

Release date: 23-Oct-2024 2:15 PM EDT
The decision to eat may come down to these three neurons
Rockefeller University

Manipulating a newly identified neural circuit can curb appetite—or spur massive overeating.

Release date: 23-Oct-2024 2:00 PM EDT
دراسة لمايو كلينك: ما يمكن أن يشير إليه الوقوف على ساق واحدة
Mayo Clinic

مدينة روتشستر، ولاية مينيسوتا — يعد الوقت الذي يمكن فيه للشخص الوقوف — على قدم واحدة — قياسًا دالاً على مدى التقدم في السن أكثر من التغيرات في القوة والمشية، وذلك وفق بحث جديد أجرته مايو كلينك. ستُنشر هذه الدراسة اليوم في مجلة PLOS ONE.

Newswise: Implantable Device May Prevent Death From Opioid Overdose
21-Oct-2024 12:10 PM EDT
Implantable Device May Prevent Death From Opioid Overdose
Washington University in St. Louis

Researchers from WashU Medicine and Northwestern University developed an implantable device that can detect an overdose and rapidly deliver naloxone.

Newswise: Researchers Explore New Methods for Quantifying Chronic Pain in Women
Release date: 23-Oct-2024 1:35 PM EDT
Researchers Explore New Methods for Quantifying Chronic Pain in Women
Tufts University

Researchers are developing an objective, quantitative score for pain by measuring over 30 biomarkers including stress hormones, inflammation markers and neurotransmitters, as well as other physiological responses, The aim is to eliminate variation and bias in the treatment of chronic pain in women.

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Release date: 23-Oct-2024 12:55 PM EDT
Surprising Reason That B Cells Benefit From Booster Shots
Rockefeller University

Certain infectious diseases, such as COVID or the flu, evolve constantly, shapeshifting just enough to outmaneuver our immune systems and reinfect us repeatedly. But subsequent reinfections often don’t lead to the most severe outcomes—for very good reason. Upon first exposure to a pathogen, our immune systems churn out specially trained B cells, which have learned to identify and eliminate the virus.

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Release date: 23-Oct-2024 12:45 PM EDT
West Nile Infections Are Spiking. Here’s Why the Percentage of Severe Cases Is So Small
Rockefeller University

The U.S. is currently in the midst of yet another West Nile virus (WNV) outbreak, with the CDC documenting 880 cases across 46 states so far this year.

Release date: 23-Oct-2024 12:35 PM EDT
Frailty Scores Predict Outcomes in Stroke Patients After Urgent Carotid Procedures
Ochsner Health

An innovative study by Dr. Hernan Bazan at Ochsner Health and colleagues reveals how frailty assessments can accurately predict outcomes in urgent carotid artery interventions for stroke patients.
