While the lockdowns associated with COVID-19 pandemic led many families to eat more meals at home, they had an additional benefit: an increase in the quality of family time during those dinners, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.
PREZADA MAYO CLINIC: Recentemente, fiz uma tomografia computadorizada (TC) do meu peito para avaliar uma pneumonia. Eu não tinha pneumonia, mas obtive um alto índice inesperado de cálcio nas minhas artérias coronárias. O cálcio que eu ingiro pode causar isso? Pensei que o cálcio estava relacionado com a saúde óssea. No momento estou sendo avaliado pelo meu risco de doença cardíaca e acidente vascular cerebral. Os outros membros da minha família devem checar os seus escores de cálcio?
ESTIMADA MAYO CLINIC: Recientemente me hicieron una tomografía computarizada (TC) de mi pecho para evaluar una neumonía. No tenía neumonía, pero obtuve un alto índice inesperado de calcio en mis arterias coronarias. ¿Puede el calcio que ingiero causar eso? Pensé que el calcio estaba relacionado con la salud ósea. Actualmente estoy siendo evaluado por mi riesgo de enfermedad cardíaca y accidente cerebrovascular. ¿Deberían los otros miembros de mi familia verificar sus scores de calcio?
Sleep apnea, a common yet underdiagnosed sleep disorder, contributes to the development of dementia among adults — particularly women, a Michigan Medicine study suggests. At every age level, women with known or suspected sleep apnea were more likely than men to be diagnosed with dementia.
Researchers have developed a compact, wearable ultrasound device that monitors muscle activity. Attachable to the skin with an adhesive and powered by a small battery, the device wirelessly captures high-resolution images of muscle movements, enabling continuous, long-term monitoring. When worn on the rib cage, it effectively monitored diaphragm function for respiratory health assessments. When worn on the forearm, it accurately captured hand gestures, allowing users to control a robotic arm and even navigate virtual games. This new technology has potential applications in healthcare for conditions affecting muscle function, as well as in human-machine interfaces for more natural robotic control.
الأعزاء في مايو كلينك: أجريتُ مؤخرًا تصويرًا مقطعيًا محوسبًا لصدري لتقييم ما إذا كنت مصابًا بالالتهاب الرئوي. لم أكن مصابًا بالتهاب الرئة، ولكن كانت لدي نسبة مرتفعة وغير متوقعة من الكالسيوم في الشرايين التاجية. هل للكالسيوم الذي أتناوله دور في ذلك؟ لأنني كنت أظن أن الكالسيوم مرتبط بصحة العظام؟ والآن يجري تقييم خطر إصابتي بأحد أمراض القلب والسكتة الدماغية. هل يجب على أفراد أسرتي الآخرين قياس نسبة الكالسيوم لديهم؟
Quantum technologies promise breakthroughs in communication, computing, sensors and much more. However, quantum states are fragile, and their effects are difficult to grasp, making research into real-world applications challenging. Empa researchers and their partners have now achieved a breakthrough: Using a kind of “quantum Lego”, they have been able to accurately realize a well-known theoretical quantum physics model in a synthetic material.
Ten years after undergoing bariatric surgery as teens, over half of study participants demonstrated not only sustained weight loss, but also resolution of obesity-related conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, according to the report published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
The amount of money people pay out-of-pocket for branded drugs to treat neurological diseases like multiple sclerosis (MS), Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease continues to rise, especially for MS drugs, according to a study published in the October 30, 2024, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.