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26-Oct-2005 2:40 PM EDT
Tip Sheet for American Journal of Public Health, November 2005
American Public Health Association (APHA)

1) SIDS deaths still disproportionately affect babies from lower socioeconomic families; 2) Health clubs not easily accessible to people with disabilities; 3) Adults with mental disorders more likely to be victims of violent crime; 4) Racial, ethnic and socioeconomic disparities persist in disability among elderly.

29-Nov-2005 9:00 AM EST
Tip Sheet for American Journal of Public Health, January 2006
American Public Health Association (APHA)

1) Body Mass Index not an accurate measure of disease risk; 2) Lowering legal drinking age increases teens' car crash risk; 3) Breastfeeding critical to children's health in some countries hard hit by HIV; 4) Low socioeconomic status may increase heart attack and stroke risk for men.

26-Jan-2006 2:35 PM EST
March American Journal of Public Health Articles
American Public Health Association (APHA)

1) New York subway injuries offer prevention lessons; 2) Patients should be allowed to use their own terms when describing race/ethnicity; 3) Childhood poverty doubles obesity risk among black women; 4) Similar stigma attached to AIDS and SARS.

28-Feb-2006 12:00 AM EST
April American Journal of Public Health Articles
American Public Health Association (APHA)

1) Obesity Increases male drivers' death risk; 2) Breastfeeding less likely for U.S.-born moms; 3) Increasing SCHIP premiums leads to more cost, less care access; 4) Lack of trust a barrier to care; 5) Pool drownings still disproportionately affect black males.

24-May-2006 9:45 AM EDT
July American Journal of Public Health
American Public Health Association (APHA)

1) Gastric bypass surgery rates skyrocket in recent years; 2) Outdoor falls an overlooked health problem for middle-aged and older adults; 3) Blacks and less educated elderly patients more likely to be placed in poorest-quality nursing homes; 4) Lack of driving increases risk for long-term care entry among elderly; 5) Canadians fare better than Americans on health care access

27-Jun-2006 9:00 AM EDT
Tip Sheet for August 2006: Social Ties and Health
American Public Health Association (APHA)

1) "Light" cigarettes may actually hamper efforts to quit smoking; 2) Job strain can lead to high blood pressure; 3) American Indian/Alaska Natives face formidable health and social disparities; 4) Tobacco and alcohol ads still prevalent during televised sports; 5) Homeless moms faring even worse than a decade ago

20-Jul-2006 5:40 PM EDT
September 2006 American Journal of Public Health Highlights
American Public Health Association (APHA)

1) Obesity takes a higher health toll on women; 2) Fewer exercise options in lower-income and predominantly minority neighborhoods; 3) Watching television may drain time that could be spent exercising; 4) Most consumers underestimate calories, fat in restaurant food; menus could help; 5) Inadequate asthma control could put kids at risk for school difficulties.

24-Oct-2006 4:20 PM EDT
December 2006 American Journal of Public Health: Health for All
American Public Health Association (APHA)

1) Poor People in Well-to-Do Neighborhoods at Increased Risk of Death; 2) Tobacco companies' anti-smoking ads may actually encourage youth smoking; 3) Physicians often skip giving smoking cessation advice, especially to Hispanic patients; 4) American Indian/Alaska Native infants still face higher death rates; 5) Women with high-powered careers less likely to carry Down syndrome baby to term.

30-Mar-2007 1:15 PM EDT
Public Health Preparedness Supplement to April 2007 AJPH
American Public Health Association (APHA)

Discussed in this issue: [1] State pandemic flu plans fail to address important ethical issues. [2] Many Hurricane Katrina evacuees suffered psychologically, many for years. [3] Another lesson from Katrina: New Orleans blacks failed to evacuate for complex reasons. [4] States hampered in efforts to track, respond to non-communicable diseases.

19-Apr-2007 3:55 PM EDT
June 2007 AJPH Highlights: Sexuality and Health
American Public Health Association (APHA)

1) Gay and lesbian health issues getting short shrift at U.S. Schools of Public Health; 2) Early condom use bodes well for adolescents' sexual health; 3) Survivors of childhood sexual abuse more likely to engage in risky behaviors; 4) Racial/ethnic disparities persist in HIV's impact on gay and bisexual men (5) Lesbians more likely to be overweight or obese
