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Released: 28-Mar-2006 12:00 AM EST
On to Mars, Headdown Bedrest Physiology Mimics Space
American Physiological Society (APS)

With Mars and the moon again targets, NASA-funded, parallel study shows Soviet-US minus 6-degree bedrest decline produces the same swift drop (10%) in the cardiorespiratory system's ability to support exercise as astronauts experienced on a 17-day spaceflight.

Released: 28-Mar-2006 9:40 AM EST
Juggling Positive/Negative Lab Results, Job and Family
American Physiological Society (APS)

Researchers found unexpected complex protein regulation of PKC-delta because a common reagent missed its phosphorylated form in heart cells. The warned it could be "symptomatic of a more pervasive feature of immunoblot analysis studies." But scaffolding function could lead to novel cardiac therapy.

31-Mar-2006 12:00 PM EST
Yoga Training Expands Breathing, Lung Capacity
American Physiological Society (APS)

Young and healthy Thais who participated in just 18 Hatha Yoga sessions improved on six of seven measures of respiratory function, according to research from Thailand. The findings suggest that yoga improves respiratory capacity by increasing chest wall expansion and forced expiratory lung volumes.

31-Mar-2006 12:00 PM EST
Carbon Monoxide Inhibitor Controls Traumatic Bleeding
American Physiological Society (APS)

A chemical that blocks carbon monoxide has been used for the first time to arrest traumatic bleeding in rats. The unique line of research could someday help stanch massive bleeding in humans, researchers said. Blocking the dilating action of CO constricts injured blood vessels and slows bleeding.

31-Mar-2006 12:00 PM EST
Antioxidant Tempol Prevents Pre-Eclampsia in Mice
American Physiological Society (APS)

The antioxidant tempol prevents pre-eclampsia in pregnant mice, a finding that suggests antioxidant therapy will help alleviate the serious pregnancy illness. Tempol cut fetal deaths in half and normalized birth weight and placental development, University of Iowa researchers said.

31-Mar-2006 12:00 PM EST
Losartan Prevents Insulin Resistance from Burns
American Physiological Society (APS)

Researchers have found a way to prevent insulin resistance in burn-injured rats, a finding that, while still preliminary, could eventually save burn victims' lives and speed their recovery. The researchers honed in on the renin-angiotensin system as the key to preventing insulin resistance.

31-Mar-2006 12:00 PM EST
‘Moderate’ Drinking Fuels Tumor Growth in Mice
American Physiological Society (APS)

University of Mississippi researchers say they have created a mammalian model demonstrating that even moderate alcohol consumption can result in larger and more robust tumors. The research shows the links between alcohol, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and tumor growth.

31-Mar-2006 12:00 PM EST
Researchers Look to Brain to Explain Sleep Apnea
American Physiological Society (APS)

The neural pathways between two areas of the brain that control the tongue -- and their interactions with each other -- may explain why more men suffer sleep apnea than women. U. of Wisconsin researchers theorize that the caudal raphe, the hypoglossal nucleus, or both play roles in sleep apnea.

31-Mar-2006 12:00 PM EST
Alaska Seal Diet May Hold Key to Decline of Population
American Physiological Society (APS)

Female harbor seal pups whose blubber falls below average levels may be at risk of delayed sexual maturation or death, even if they eat enough fat later. The study could tie the declining population of seals and other marine mammals to the change in availability of seal prey, including herring.

31-Mar-2006 12:00 PM EST
Rare Look at “Teacher-Student” Immune Cells
American Physiological Society (APS)

Harvard University researcher Ulrich von Andrian shows rare video footage of a live animal's T cells learning about foreign microbes from "teacher" dendritic cells during the American Physiological Society Henry Pickering Bowditch Award Lecture. The research may help develop better vaccines.
