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Released: 10-Mar-1999 12:00 AM EST
Ways To Tell If You're a Good Manager
Salisbury University

A Salisbury State University professor has research that provides a sure-fire way for managers to tell if they have good management skills: If the office runs smoother or production increases when you're not there, then you probably don't.

Released: 24-Aug-2007 3:10 PM EDT
Resistance Training Study May Aid Weight Loss
Salisbury University

Could explosive concentric muscle contractions be the key to optimizing the capacity for weight loss through resistance training? According to findings recently published in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise by Dr. Scott Mazzetti, Health, Physical Education and Human Performance faculty at Salisbury University, it could.

Released: 10-Jun-2009 9:45 AM EDT
Could Government Oversight of Oil Lead to Lower Prices?
Salisbury University

Could the recent trend of tighter U.S. government oversight of banks and automobiles be extended to the oil industry, and would it benefit consumers? Research by Dr. Oliver Roche focuses on the benefits--and drawbacks--of a country already practicing stricter oil controls: China.

Released: 19-Aug-2009 2:55 PM EDT
Researchers Track MD Water, Sand Bacteria Sources
Salisbury University

A new study by the Maryland Department of the Environment and Salisbury University finds that pets and wildlife are significant sources of bacteria in the watersheds of eight Maryland waterways. Another MDE-SU study recently released suggests that bacteria are present in sediment and sand.

Released: 9-Jun-2011 4:00 PM EDT
Survey Ranks SU Housing Quality vs. Cost No. 1
Salisbury University

Students ranked Salisbury University No. 1 in the nation for campus housing quality when compared to cost, according to results of a recent Educational Benchmarking, Inc. survey. SU ranked in the top 10 in 14 categories total.

Released: 20-Jun-2013 1:00 PM EDT
Researchers Examine Gas Station Morphology in Virginia
Salisbury University

After noticing the many abandoned or converted gasoline stations on Virginia’s Eastern Shore, a Salisbury University student began research with his professor that discerned changing patterns about life on Delmarva. Southeastern Geographer journal recently published their work.

Released: 28-Oct-2016 2:05 PM EDT
SU Professor Publishes in 'Science' on Bats Hunting in Noise
Salisbury University

Dr. Ryan Taylor of Salisbury University’s Biological Sciences Department explored with a team from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama how “Bats Perceptually Weight Prey Cues Across Sensory Systems When Hunting in Noise.”

Release date: 4-Oct-2017 11:00 AM EDT
2 5 million gift announced for science and mathematics programs at salisbury university
Salisbury University

The Richard A. Henson Foundation, Inc. has reaffirmed its commitment to Salisbury University, announcing a $2.5 million gift for SU’s Henson School of Science and Technology. This donation marks the 30th anniversary of the school’s initial endowment.
