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Released: 22-Jun-2004 5:20 PM EDT
Rapid Urbanization Warming China's Climate Faster than Other Areas
Georgia Institute of Technology, Research Communications

Rapid urbanization in southeastern China in the past 25 years is responsible for an estimated warming rate much larger than previous estimates for other periods and locations, according to a new study funded by NASA.

Released: 25-Jun-2004 6:30 AM EDT
Ocean Currents Redistributed Heat During Rapid Warming and Cooling
Georgia Institute of Technology, Research Communications

A paper published this week supports the hypothesis that heat transfer by ocean currents "“ rather than global heating or cooling "“ may have been responsible for the global temperature patterns associated with abrupt climate changes in the North Atlantic over the past 80,000 years.

17-Aug-2004 10:40 AM EDT
Aquatic Plant Sequesters Toxins, Removes Contaminants from Wetlands
Georgia Institute of Technology, Research Communications

Researchers have found that a common aquatic plant removes many persistent organic compounds that are discharged into natural waters and engineered wetlands.

19-Aug-2004 12:30 PM EDT
Fluorescing “Artificial Atoms” Could Have Applications in Biological Labeling
Georgia Institute of Technology, Research Communications

A new class of water-soluble quantum dots made from small numbers of gold atoms could be the basis for a new biological labeling system with narrower excitation spectra, smaller particle size and fluorescence comparable to systems based on semiconductor quantum dots.

24-Aug-2004 9:30 AM EDT
Unicellular Organisms Contribute More Nitrogen to Ocean than Reported
Georgia Institute of Technology, Research Communications

Large, nutrient-poor expanses of the open ocean are getting a substantial nitrogen influx from an abundant group of unicellular organisms that "fix," or chemically alter, nitrogen into a form usable for biological productivity.

Released: 30-Aug-2004 9:30 AM EDT
Tiny Writing: Improved Method to Produce Nanometer-scale Patterns
Georgia Institute of Technology, Research Communications

Researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology and the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) have developed an improved method for directly writing nanometer-scale patterns onto a variety of surfaces.

Released: 4-Oct-2004 9:30 AM EDT
Commandeering Cellular Detection Machinery for Sensing
Georgia Institute of Technology, Research Communications

Researchers have learned how to commandeer the complex machinery that cells use to recognize and respond to such important molecules as steroid hormones, thyroid hormones and vitamin D.

6-Dec-2004 4:00 PM EST
How Rate of Tectonic Plate Separation Controls Geologic Processes
Georgia Institute of Technology, Research Communications

A new study has revealed a mechanism that counters established thinking on how the rate at which tectonic plates separate along mid-ocean ridges controls processes such as heat transfer in geologic materials, energy circulation and even biological production.

Released: 9-Dec-2004 12:00 AM EST
Mission to Neptune Could Answer Questions About Planetary Formation
Georgia Institute of Technology, Research Communications

In 30 years, a nuclear-powered space exploration mission to Neptune and its moons may begin to reveal some of our solar system's most elusive secrets about the formation of its planets -- and recently discovered ones that developed around other stars.

Released: 10-Dec-2004 12:40 PM EST
Predictions of Cloud Formation for Better Global Climate Modeling
Georgia Institute of Technology, Research Communications

Atmospheric scientists have developed simple, physics-based equations to address limitations of current methods for representing cloud formation in global climate models "“ important because of increased aerosol pollution that gives clouds more cooling power and affects precipitation.
