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Released: 9-Jan-1999 12:00 AM EST
Computer fix saves asteroid images
Cornell University

Some 240 million miles from Earth, a spacecraft hurtled through the black void of space, off its intended course. But thanks to the creation of a last-minute fix by Cornell University mission engineers during a tense 24 hours just before Christmas, the $150 million mission now has hundreds of new images of a distant asteroid.

22-Jan-1999 12:00 AM EST
Overworked Couples Have Worst Life Quality
Cornell University

Couples who wish they could work less, who have demanding jobs or both work more than 45 hours a week report the lowest quality of life among working couples, according to a Cornell University sociologist. Couples in which both partners work regular full-time hours -- especially when the wives are in nonprofessional jobs -- report the highest quality of life, even higher than when one partner works part-time.

22-Jan-1999 12:00 AM EST
Two-Incomers Want Less, Housewives More
Cornell University

American working, married couples would prefer to work less but they work more hours than ever. That's because today's workplace doesn't offer enough part-time jobs, reported a Cornell University sociologist. Many women choose to stay home rather than enter the 'all or nothing' workplace which has not adapted to the changing patterns of employee preferences, she said.

21-Jan-1999 12:00 AM EST
Divorce, Insect Style: Termites Swap Mates
Cornell University

Before settling down to spend the next five years raising a family, some mate-for-life termites use their brief honeymoon to find a better mate, a Cornell University biologist reports in the Jan. 22, 1999 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B.

22-Jan-1999 12:00 AM EST
Bleached Coral Could Be Environment Warning
Cornell University

The dying corals of the Florida Keys could be an early warning of tough times ahead for the planet's environment, Cornell University ecologists worry. The reason: Hundred-year-old corals are succumbing to diseases they previously survived.

24-Jan-1999 12:00 AM EST
Alien Species Cost U.S. $123 Billion a Year
Cornell University

A few of the more than 30,000 non-indigenous species in the United States cost $123 billion a year in economic losses, Cornell University ecologists estimate. Alien weeds (cost: $35.5 billion), introduced insects ($20 billion), human disease-causing organisms ($6.5 billion) and even the mongoose ($50 million ).

23-Jan-1999 12:00 AM EST
Genes Boost Rice Yields on Poorest Farms
Cornell University

Thanks to a technique known as genetic mapping, Cornell University scientists have for the first time located genetic factors that make significant increases in rice production under upland conditions and used this information as a key to improving yields for poor farmers.

Released: 28-Jan-1999 12:00 AM EST
Chemistry behind Rainforest Folk Medicine
Cornell University

The indigenous people and other inhabitants of the Amazon rain forest knew what worked for them but not why. Field studies, conducted in the Amazon rain forest by Cornell University undergraduate students of chemical ecology and published in the first issue of the first journal of its kind, are beginning to find the chemistry behind folk remedies and other uses humans and animals find for rainforest plants.

Released: 30-Jan-1999 12:00 AM EST
Tuberculosis Spreads on Crowded City Buses
Cornell University

The crowded metropolitan bus system in Buenos Aires could be responsible for 30 percent of new cases of tuberculosis in the city, a new study shows. According to a Cornell University biomathematician, taking public transportation "is a considerable component of transmission and probable evolution of the disease."

Released: 2-Feb-1999 12:00 AM EST
School Computer Posture Problems Found
Cornell University

Kids in elementary school are being put at risk by computer workstations that have been designed with little or no regard for children's musculoskeletal health, according to a Cornell University study.
