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Released: 28-Aug-2024 10:00 AM EDT
Substituting lower-wage staff for hospital RNs is a poor business model
Wolters Kluwer Health: Lippincott

When hospitals replace registered nurses (RNs) with licensed practical nurses and unlicensed assistive personnel, patients are more likely to die, experience readmissions, and have longer hospital stays, and Medicare must bear millions of dollars annually in avoidable costs. Moreover, there is no business case for this practice—hospitals actually experience a negative return on investment.

Newswise: Laser speckle grayscale lithography: a new tool for fabricating highly sensitive flexible capacitive pressure sensors
Released: 28-Aug-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Laser speckle grayscale lithography: a new tool for fabricating highly sensitive flexible capacitive pressure sensors
Chinese Academy of Sciences

The introduction of micropatterns is an effective strategy in enhancing the sensitivity of capacitive pressure sensors. Towards this goal, scientist in China developed a novel approach for fabricating random conical array (RCA) microstructures based on laser speckle grayscale lithography.

Newswise:Video Embedded rain-or-shine-how-rainfall-impacts-size-of-sea-turtle-hatchlings
Released: 28-Aug-2024 8:30 AM EDT
Rain or Shine? How Rainfall Impacts Size of Sea Turtle Hatchlings
Florida Atlantic University

An internationally collaborative study delves into how fluctuating rainfall impacts the development of sea turtle hatchlings, revealing that it has a more profound effect than changes in air temperature. Regional weather influences incubation and hatchling development and the impact of rainfall varies between species. For loggerhead turtles, heavier rainfall results in hatchlings with smaller carapaces (shell) but greater weight, while green turtle hatchlings grow smaller carapaces without a change in body mass.

Newswise:Video Embedded classroom-controversies-live-expert-panel-qa
Released: 28-Aug-2024 8:05 AM EDT
TRANSCRIPT AND VIDEO AVAILABLE: Classroom Controversies Expert Panel Q&A

Teachers, students, and their parents are navigating sensitive subjects such as phone bans, political polarization, and debates over curriculum and teaching methods. Binghamton University experts will discuss the controversies looming over our schools in a live Q&A with media covering the issues.

Released: 28-Aug-2024 7:00 AM EDT
Presión arterial alta daña los riñones
Mayo Clinic

La hipertensión, también conocida como presión arterial alta, es un problema común que afecta las arterias del cuerpo. Si tiene presión arterial alta, el corazón tiene que trabajar más para bombear la sangre.

Released: 28-Aug-2024 7:00 AM EDT
Pressão alta prejudica os rins
Mayo Clinic

A hipertensão, também conhecida como pressão alta, é um problema comum que afeta as artérias do corpo. Se você tem pressão alta, o coração tem que trabalhar mais para bombear o sangue.

Released: 28-Aug-2024 4:00 AM EDT
ارتفاع ضغط الدم يؤذي الكليتين
Mayo Clinic

جاكسونفيل، ولاية فلوريدا — ارتفاع ضغط الدم، المعروف أيضًا باسم ضغط الدم المرتفع، هو مشكلة شائعة تؤثر على شرايين الجسم. إذا كنت تعاني من ارتفاع ضغط الدم، فيجب أن يعمل القلب بجهد أكبر لضخ الدم.

Newswise: Metasurfaces: tiny tech with big potential
Released: 27-Aug-2024 9:05 PM EDT
Metasurfaces: tiny tech with big potential
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Metasurfaces, ultra-thin films of nanostructures, hold immense promise for manipulating light with unprecedented control. However, their full potential hinges on overcoming the challenge of crafting these intricate patterns at large scales and high resolutions. This review explores the current nanofabrication techniques, including maskless and masked lithography, exploring their strengths and limitations. By understanding these constraints, we can pave the way for advanced nanophotonic applications powered by these light-bending marvels.

Newswise: Researchers demystify polymer binders to pave way for better sulfide solid-state electrolyte membranes
Released: 27-Aug-2024 5:05 PM EDT
Researchers demystify polymer binders to pave way for better sulfide solid-state electrolyte membranes
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Using a polymer to make a strong yet springy thin film, scientists led by the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory are speeding the arrival of next-generation solid-state batteries. This effort advances the development of electric vehicle power enabled by flexible, durable sheets of solid-state electrolytes.

Newswise: Prenatal smoking risks academic achievement of unborn babies
Released: 27-Aug-2024 4:30 PM EDT
Prenatal smoking risks academic achievement of unborn babies
University of South Australia

Smoking harms almost every part of your body. But if you smoke when pregnant, the toxic chemicals in tobacco will also harm your unborn baby, with new research showing that it could lead to reduced academic outcomes at school.
