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Newswise: Study asks: Can cell phone signals help land a plane?
Release date: 22-Oct-2024 10:25 AM EDT
Study asks: Can cell phone signals help land a plane?
Sandia National Laboratories

Researchers from Sandia National Laboratories and Ohio State University are taking experimental navigation technology to the skies, pioneering a backup system to keep an airplane on course when it cannot rely on global positioning system satellites.

Release date: 22-Oct-2024 10:10 AM EDT
Century-old Ocean University: Innovation and Achievements in Ocean Engineering
Chinese Academy of Sciences

China Ocean University is a comprehensive university directly under the Ministry of Education, with a complete range of disciplines and distinctive marine and fisheries disciplines. It is a key university constructed under the "211 Project" and "985 Project", and was selected as a "World-Class University Construction University" (Class A) by the state in 2017. The university's motto is " Ocean Embraces Streams All and Exploring Promises Reaching Far". The university was founded in 1924 and was renamed China Ocean University in 2002.

Newswise: Breaking through city walls: advanced navigation system for urban vehicles unveiled
Release date: 22-Oct-2024 9:50 AM EDT
Breaking through city walls: advanced navigation system for urban vehicles unveiled
Chinese Academy of Sciences

In a significant leap forward for vehicle navigation, researchers have developed an advanced system that integrates Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), Inertial Measurement Units (IMU), and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) Odometry (LO). This novel approach addresses key challenges in urban navigation, offering a substantial boost in positioning accuracy and reliability, particularly in densely built environments where navigation systems typically falter.

Newswise: AI tool helps identify heart failure risk in diabetes patients
Release date: 22-Oct-2024 9:00 AM EDT
AI tool helps identify heart failure risk in diabetes patients
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have developed a machine learning model that can identify patients with diabetic cardiomyopathy, a heart condition characterized by abnormal changes in the heart’s structure and function that predisposes them to increased risk of heart failure. The findings, published in the European Journal of Heart Failure, offer a data-driven method to detect a high-risk diabetic cardiomyopathy phenotype, enabling early interventions that could help prevent heart failure in this vulnerable population.

21-Oct-2024 11:15 AM EDT
Radiologists are Participating in Less Resident Training as Workloads Increase, New Study Shows
Harvey L. Neiman Health Policy Institute

According to new research from the Harvey L. Neiman Health Policy Institute, radiologists who teach residents are spending significantly less time each year in that teaching role. The study, published today in the Journal of The American College of Radiology, tracked the workload of 35,595 radiologists in Medicare Part B claims data from 2008 to 2020. As a percentage of total clinical workload measured in relative value units, work that involved resident training dropped from 35.3% in 2008 to 26.3% in 2019. In 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit the U.S., the teaching share of work dropped further to 24.5%.

17-Oct-2024 9:00 AM EDT
People with type 2 diabetes who eat low-carb may be able to discontinue medication
Endocrine Society

Adults with type 2 diabetes on a low-carbohydrate diet may see benefits to their beta-cell function allowing them to better manage their disease and possibly discontinue medication, according to new research published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

Newswise: Dangers of the Metaverse and VR for U.S. Youth Revealed in New Research
Released: 22-Oct-2024 8:30 AM EDT
Dangers of the Metaverse and VR for U.S. Youth Revealed in New Research
Florida Atlantic University

Research of online victimization in the metaverse is sorely lacking. A new study examined harm in the metaverse among a sample of 5,005 U.S. teens aged 13 to 17. Findings show a significant percentage of youth reported harm in these spaces, including hate speech, bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, grooming behaviors (predators building trust with minors), and unwanted exposure to violent or sexual content. The study also revealed notable gender differences in experiences.

Newswise:Video Embedded new-imagery-technique-helps-understand-the-universe
Released: 22-Oct-2024 8:00 AM EDT
New Imagery Technique Helps Understand the Universe
University of Minnesota College of Science and Engineering

Researchers at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities College of Science and Engineering have developed a new technique that reconstructs two dimensional (2D) radio images–visual representations created from radio waves–into three dimensional (3D) "Pseudo3D cubes" to help better understand objects in the Universe.

Released: 22-Oct-2024 7:00 AM EDT
Surgical Innovations Help Personalize Breast Cancer Treatment, Improve Quality of Life 
Mayo Clinic

There are two surgical options to treat breast cancer: lumpectomy and mastectomy. But there are many more reasons why women choose one over another, says Sarah McLaughlin, M.D., a breast surgical oncologist and chair of the Department of Surgery at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida.

Released: 22-Oct-2024 7:00 AM EDT
Brain Blood Flow Resistance More Common in Older Adults with Cognitive Problems
American Physiological Society (APS)

Older adults with mild cognitive impairment showed greater resistance to brain blood flow compared to those without cognitive impediments.
