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Newswise: Fast Super-Resolved Microscopy with a Structured Illumination and Extended Depth Detection.
Released: 17-Oct-2024 9:50 AM EDT
Fast Super-Resolved Microscopy with a Structured Illumination and Extended Depth Detection.
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Researchers at Institut Fresnel have developed an Extended Depth-of-Field Random Illumination Microscope (EDF-RIM) that integrates 3D speckle illumination for super-resolved imaging and extended depth detection for faster acquisition of thick samples. EDF-RIM captures entire 3D volumes in a single projection, reducing acquisition time and light exposure.

Released: 17-Oct-2024 9:35 AM EDT
Experts Refine Strategies to Address Sodium Reduction and Replacement in Foods
Institute for the Advancement of Food and Nutrition Sciences

New recommendations include enhancing reduction, substitution, monitoring and education efforts.

Released: 17-Oct-2024 9:30 AM EDT
New Tool Helps Analyze Pilot Performance and Mental Workload in Augmented Reality
NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Researchers at NYU Tandon School of Engineering have developed HuBar, a visual analytics tool that summarizes and compares task performance sessions in augmented reality (AR) by analyzing performer behavior and cognitive workload.

Newswise: Improve Sustainability in Eye Clinics With This One Simple Trick: Stop Throwing Away Eye Drops Before They Expire
Released: 17-Oct-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Improve Sustainability in Eye Clinics With This One Simple Trick: Stop Throwing Away Eye Drops Before They Expire
American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)

New findings from AAO 2024 suggest that simply adhering to the FDA-regulated expiration dates could not only reduce medication and plastic waste, but also save millions of dollars annually, and potentially prevent nationwide eye drop shortages.

Newswise: WHOI Scientists Discover Fastest Degrading Bioplastic in Seawater
Released: 17-Oct-2024 8:10 AM EDT
WHOI Scientists Discover Fastest Degrading Bioplastic in Seawater
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

After years of testing, a new version of CDA was found to be the fastest degrading bioplastic material tested in seawater—and it’s a promising replacement for other foam plastic materials, like Styrofoam, which can linger in the environment for many years.

Newswise: Engineers Build Zero-Trust, Real-Time Cybersecurity Tools to Protect Renewables on the Grid
Released: 17-Oct-2024 8:00 AM EDT
Engineers Build Zero-Trust, Real-Time Cybersecurity Tools to Protect Renewables on the Grid
Iowa State University

An Iowa State engineer is leading development of cybersecurity tools to guard power grids that carry renewable energy resources such as such as wind or solar farms. The researchers will develop "zero-trust" tools to reduce cyber exposure. The U.S. Department of Energy is supporting the project.

Released: 17-Oct-2024 7:45 AM EDT
Penn Medicine and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Create mRNA Vaccine to Prevent and Treat C. difficile
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

A new vaccine provides hope for treating and even preventing the highly contagious and difficult-to-treat Clostridioides difficile infection, more commonly known as C. difficile or C. diff. In animal models, this first mRNA-LNP C. difficile vaccine was found to protect against C. difficile first-time infections and relapsing infections by inducing a robust immune response, promote clearance of existing C. diff bacteria from the gut, and even overcome deficits in host immunity to protect animals after infection.

Released: 17-Oct-2024 6:00 AM EDT
Tatuaje 3D ayuda a restaurar el aspecto natural después de la reconstrucción mamaria
Mayo Clinic

El cáncer de mama es el cáncer más diagnosticado en mujeres alrededor del mundo. La mastectomía es parte del plan de tratamiento de la mujer en aproximadamente el 35% de los casos e implica la extracción de todo el tejido de uno o ambos senos, incluidos los pezones y las areolas en algunos casos. Aunque se considera un procedimiento que salva la vida de las mujeres con cáncer de mama, puede tener un impacto emocional que puede llevarlas a una distorsión de la autoimagen.

Released: 17-Oct-2024 6:00 AM EDT
Tatuagem 3D ajuda a restaurar a aparência natural após a reconstrução mamária
Mayo Clinic

O câncer de mama é o câncer mais diagnosticado nas mulheres ao redor do mundo. A mastectomia faz parte do plano de tratamento da mulher em cerca de 35% dos casos e envolve a remoção de todo o tecido de uma ou ambas as mamas, incluindo os mamilos e as aréolas em alguns casos. Embora seja considerado um procedimento que salva a vida das mulheres com câncer de mama, ele pode ter um impacto emocional que pode levá-las a uma distorção de auto-imagem.

Newswise: Buy Your Groceries Online? Watch Out for This Food Labeling Gap
15-Oct-2024 6:50 AM EDT
Buy Your Groceries Online? Watch Out for This Food Labeling Gap
Tufts University

Study shows a lack of present, accessible, and legible information about the food consumers buy online, while marketing claims are still prominent. The absence of accessible food labeling can have tangible consequences for public health.
