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Released: 19-Jun-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Mutant Bacteria May Help End Infection In Skin Burns
Texas Tech University

Texas Tech Medical Center researchers have discovered that interrupting bacteria cell communication may significantly reduce infections in burn wounds.

Released: 16-Feb-1999 12:00 AM EST
Yoga and Meditation Help Relieve Chronic Pain for Sufferers
Texas Tech University

To help people with chronic pain, a psychologist at Texas Tech Health Sciences Center has developed a program combining both yoga and meditation with remarkable results. Over 80% of the participants reported more effective stress and pain management.

Released: 17-Feb-1999 12:00 AM EST
Possible Link Between Cancer, Diet and Hormones
Texas Tech University

The medical community is slowly accepting that nutrition and gender play a role in disease process. As part of this, a researcher at Texas Tech Health Sciences Center has co-authored a book which examines the roles gender and nutrition play in women's cancer.

Released: 30-Mar-1999 12:00 AM EST
Beef Researchers Probe Quality and Safety Issues
Texas Tech University

Animal scientists at Texas Tech University are exploring methods that could produce beef at higher standards of quality and consistency. They also are investigating techniques to make beef products safer for consumers.

Released: 28-Apr-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Electrical Power Deregulation Could Hurt Texas Agriculture
Texas Tech University

Preliminary results of a study conducted by Texas Tech University, of how electrical power deregulation may affect the Texas High Plains economy, show there could be a negative impact on agriculture and related businesses.

Released: 28-Apr-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Cotton Gin Waste to Feedlot Fare
Texas Tech University

Agricultural economics researchers at Texas Tech University recently completed a study to evaluate the demand for cotton gin waste as a roughage ingredient to cattle feed at feedlots. The study shows that use of gin trash in cattle feed can reduce the cost of the feed as much as 5 percent.

Released: 7-May-1999 12:00 AM EDT
In-Residence Shelter Saves Lives in Oklahoma
Texas Tech University

Texas Tech wind researchers traveled to the Oklahoma City area to survey damage and find additional ways to save lives. In Del City, Okla., they located an in-residence shelter that survived the storm and withstood the devastating winds of Monday's deadly tornado.

Released: 3-Jul-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Longer Cotton May Open New Markets for Texas Crop
Texas Tech University

Researchers at Texas Tech University are touting a longer staple cotton that could open new markets for the Texas crop. The new breed may allow cotton farmers to broaden their demand base and markets for the crops before they are ever produced.

Released: 23-Jul-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Stay-Green Sorghum Developed by Gene Mapping
Texas Tech University

Researchers are narrowing the gap between sorghum that dies prematurely and lines of the crop that seem to display "stay-green" characteristics allowing plants to mature normally in high-heat areas, and creating higher yield for producers.

Released: 1-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Seaweed May Be Solution to Beef Industry Woes
Texas Tech University

Initial research projects show that cattle that grazed forage treated with seaweed extract has marked positive effects on animals' immune function, weight gains, carcass quality and even the shelf-life of finished meats, according to Texas Tech researchers.
