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26-May-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Bacteria Victims of "Virus Conspiracy"
University of Maryland, Baltimore

Some bacterial structures and disease-causing genes actually come from viruses that have integrated into the bacterial cell, researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine have found.

Released: 14-Oct-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Fever Blisters, Oral Skin Health at ADA Meeting
University of Maryland, Baltimore

The causes of fever blisters and the connection between oral skin health and the rest of the body are two of the topics a University of Maryland professor will include in his report to the American Dental Association meeting in Chicago October 14.

2-Dec-2000 12:00 AM EST
Anti-Fever Drugs May Prolong Flu
University of Maryland, Baltimore

Researchers at the University of Maryland schools of medicine and pharmacy found that anti-fever drugs such as aspirin and acetaminophen may prolong influenza A infections. (Pharmacotherapy, 12-00)

Released: 14-Sep-2001 12:00 AM EDT
New Drugs Linked to Higher Prices
University of Maryland, Baltimore

A research team at the School of Pharmacy has found that while newer drugs comprise 45 percent of those most frequently prescribed, they are responsible for 75 percent of overall drug spending increases.

Released: 17-Jul-2008 4:20 PM EDT
Risks in Ordering Drugs by Internet on the Rise
University of Maryland, Baltimore

Maryland School of Pharmacy report: Consumers, pharmacies face a growing risk of getting counterfeit drugs because of rising Internet sales of medical drugs.

Released: 4-Aug-2008 6:00 AM EDT
Greater Psychotropic Medication Use in Foster Care Raises Concerns
University of Maryland, Baltimore

There is no clear treatment advantage to foster children getting at least three times more emotion/behavior altering drugs than comparable children.

18-Nov-2008 8:00 AM EST
Body's Nutrient Transporters Could Speed Drug Take Up
University of Maryland, Baltimore

James. Polli, PhD, the School of Pharmacy at the University of Maryland, Baltimore reports to the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists conference that nature's "homing devices" in the gut can help deliver poorly absorbed drugs into the bloodstream faster.

Released: 24-Nov-2008 1:50 PM EST
Shigella Vaccine Licensed to PATH
University of Maryland, Baltimore

International group hopes vaccine will help prevent shigellosis, cause of an estimated 1.1 million deaths, mostly children, per year.

Released: 8-Dec-2008 4:55 PM EST
"New" Neck Discovery Hits Gray's, Offers Clue to Tension Headaches
University of Maryland, Baltimore

Maryland Dental School 1995 discovery of previously unknown neck tissue finally makes ultimate reference book, Gray's Anatomy.

Released: 17-Dec-2008 4:25 PM EST
Dieting May Cut Risk for Gum Disease, Mostly In Males
University of Maryland, Baltimore

University of Maryland Dental School study of diet and gum disease bears out powerful link between chronic inflammation and poor health.
