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Released: 21-Apr-2010 5:15 PM EDT
Prostate Cancer Treatment Database Hits Milestone of 12,500
Radiotherapy Centers of Georgia (RCOG)

Radiotherapy Centers of Georgia (RCOG), a division of RC Cancer Centers announced that as of March 23, they reached a new milestone and treated their 12,500th patient for prostate cancer with their ProstRcision® treatment therapy. The milestone means their treatment database is one of the most comprehensive in the nation. Available exclusively from RC Cancer Centers, ProstRcision® has the industry’s highest documented cure rate of 83 percent.

Released: 20-Feb-2019 9:45 AM EST
Neuspera Medical Announces Final Close of $26M Series B Equity Financing
Neuspera Medical Inc.

Neuspera Medical Inc., a clinical stage, private venture capital backed neuromodulation company, today announced the final closing (2nd tranche) of the company's Series B equity financing.

