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20-Feb-2017 9:00 AM EST
Scientists Create a Nano-Trampoline to Probe Quantum Behavior
Bar-Ilan University

For the first time, scientists have measured quantum criticality by developing a thin membrane suspended in air by very narrow bridges, thereby forming a "nano-trampoline". This enabled specific heat measurements of thin films through a quantum phase transition from a superconducting state to an electrically insulating state close to absolute zero temperatures.

Released: 9-Mar-2017 8:00 AM EST
Bar-Ilan University Scientists Effectively Disrupt Communication Between Parasites That Spread Disease
Bar-Ilan University

A new intervention developed by Bar-Ilan University scientists to tamper with parasites' communication system may lead to the development of drugs to treat, and prevent the spread of, devastating diseases such as African sleeping sickness, leishmaniasis and Chagas' disease.

23-Mar-2017 9:00 AM EDT
Researchers Discover a New Type of Memory Effect in Transition Metal Oxides
Bar-Ilan University

A new kind of memory effect discovered in two Transition Metal Oxides could carry important repercussions on technology and security. The multi-state nature of the memory effect, whereby more than one piece of information can coexist in the same space, could be harnessed for memory technology. And while deleted computer data can be recovered, at least partially, by talented hackers, the "erase-upon-reading" property of this system could make an invaluable contribution to security technologies.

Released: 27-Apr-2017 5:05 AM EDT
Wanting More Self-Control Could Hinder Our Efforts to Exert Self-Control, Study Finds
Bar-Ilan University

A new study shows, ironically, that wanting to have more self-control could actually be an obstacle to achieving it. It appears that the mere existence of a desire for self-control undermines one's confidence and brings one to disengage from self-control challenges (regardless of one’s actual level of self-control).

Released: 11-May-2017 4:05 AM EDT
Positive Father-Child Relationship Can ModerateNegative Effects of Maternal Depression
Bar-Ilan University

A new study has examined for the first time whether fathering can moderate the negative effects of maternal depression on family-level functioning. The results of the study are the first to describe the family process by using direct observations of mothering, fathering, and family patterns in homes where mothers suffer clinical depression during the child's first years of life.

Released: 20-Jul-2017 9:30 AM EDT
Coral Reefs in the Gulf of Aqaba May Survive Global Warming, New Study Finds
Bar-Ilan University

Coral reefs in the Red Sea’s Gulf of Aqaba can resist rising water temperatures. If they survive local pollution, these corals may one day be used to re-seed parts of the world where reefs are dying. The scientists urge governments to protect the Gulf of Aqaba Reefs.

Released: 17-Oct-2017 12:05 PM EDT
A New Compound Targets Energy Generation, Thereby Killing Metastatic Cells
Bar-Ilan University

Prof. Uri Nir, of the Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences at Bar-Ilan University, and his team have identified an enzyme that supports the survival and dissemination of metastatic cells, and developed a synthetic compound that targets the enzyme and kills the metastatic cells in mice with cancer.

30-Nov-2017 1:00 PM EST
Brain Researchers Gain Greater Understanding of How We Generate Internal Experiences
Bar-Ilan University

Our mental life is rich with an enormous number of internal experiences. We can vividly recall an episode from childhood as well as what we did just five minutes ago. We can imagine and plan in detail our next vacation. How does the brain achieve this magic? In a new study researchers showed that internal experiences, such as recalling personal memories, are associated with the simultaneous activity of different cognitive systems.

18-Dec-2017 8:00 AM EST
Physicists Negate Century-Old Assumption Regarding Neurons and Brain Activity
Bar-Ilan University

Neurons are the basic computational building blocks that compose our brain. According to the neuronal computational scheme used for over a century, each neuron functions as a centralized excitable element. Using new types of experiments on neuronal cultures, scientists have demonstrated that this assumption regarding brain activity is mistaken. Their results call for a re-examination of neuronal functionalities beyond the traditional framework and, in particular, for an examination into the origin of degenerative diseases.

Released: 30-Jan-2018 11:05 AM EST
Cutting the Cord is Easier Said than Done
Bar-Ilan University

Chances are there's someone in your life who causes a lot of tension and stress. Difficult relationships are common. They are also commonly difficult to evade. Who are these people and why can’t we just cut the cord? New research explores these questions and sheds light on the answers.
