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Newswise: INHS researchers reveal “virgin birth” in a crocodile
Released: 12-Jun-2023 3:20 PM EDT
INHS researchers reveal “virgin birth” in a crocodile
Prairie Research Institute

In a recent study published in the journal Biology Letters, a female crocodile living in isolation for 16 years at a Costa Rican zoo laid a clutch of eggs, a common practice among captive reptiles, even those without mates. After three months of incubation, one egg contained "a fully formed stillborn baby crocodile," a team of scientists found.

Released: 19-Jul-2023 1:40 PM EDT
Fission-Fusion Dynamics in the Social Networks of a North American Pitviper
Prairie Research Institute

Researchers found that rattlesnakes can buffer each other's stress response, much like humans, when they endure a stressful event together. This is the first time "social buffering" has been studied in a reptile.

Released: 9-Aug-2023 11:35 AM EDT
Scientists study how a diabetes drug affects soils
Prairie Research Institute

In a recent study, Illinois Sustainable Technology Center environmental chemist Wei Zheng and colleagues investigated the adsorption of sitagliptin in soils treated with sewage wastewater.
