Watch What You Take! Pills Can Pack on Pounds
Harris Health SystemWeight gain or loss may not always be caused by what you could depend on the medicines you're taking. Learn which pills pack on the pounds and other effects they could have.
Weight gain or loss may not always be caused by what you could depend on the medicines you're taking. Learn which pills pack on the pounds and other effects they could have.
While the upcoming daylight saving time slated for 2 a.m. Sunday, March 11, affects everyone, children, including teenagers, may need some help adjusting. Experts say the spring's loss of an hour tends to be the most disruptive with sleeping patterns.
Ozone, the prevalent gas found in air pollution, and mostly experienced from March to October, can trigger severe violent breathing attacks in many people, particularly children and seniors, says a lung expert from Ben Taub General Hospital in Houston.
The option of a vaginal birth after having a Caesarean delivery (VBAC) is difficult to find for women who want that procedure. More doctors and hospitals are not willing to perform the risky procedure. However, a VBAC advocate and practicing physician from Ben Taub General Hospital says provided the expectant mother meets certain guidelines and the delivery is performed in a fully-staffed and fully-equipped hospital, the VBAC can be performed safely.