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Released: 9-Sep-2011 9:00 AM EDT
Researchers Use New Tool To Counter Multiple Myeloma Drug Resistance
Moffitt Cancer Center

Moffitt Cancer Center researchers, and colleagues, are pioneering promising research utilizing a monitoring technology that could provide a better understanding of acquired drug resistance and assist in clinical decision-making for developing individualized patient treatments for multiple myeloma.

Released: 15-Sep-2011 11:30 AM EDT
Researchers Find Possible Key To Preventing Chemotherapy Resistance In Ovarian Cancer
Moffitt Cancer Center

Researchers at Moffitt Cancer Center have identified a molecular pathway that may play a key role in the evolution of chemotherapy resistance. They are hopeful that the discovery may lead to therapies that are tailored to individual patients with ovarian cancer.

Released: 21-Sep-2011 11:25 AM EDT
Scientists Identify A Key Molecule That Blocks Abnormal Blood Vessel Growth In Tumors
Moffitt Cancer Center

A new and better understanding of blood vessel growth and vascular development (angiogenesis) in cancer has been made possible by research by a team of scientists from Moffitt Cancer Center, the University of Florida, Harvard University, Yale University and the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles.

Released: 29-Sep-2011 11:45 AM EDT
Impediment To Some Cancer Immunotherapy Involves Free Radical Peroxynitrite
Moffitt Cancer Center

Researchers have found that tumor cell resistance to a specific cancer immunotherapy designed to kill cancer cells can be blamed on a mechanism that involves the production of a free radical peroxynitrite (PNT) that causes resistance to therapeutic cancer-killing cells.

Released: 6-Oct-2011 12:10 PM EDT
Earlier Circumcision In Males May Be Effective Intervention To Slow Rates Of HIV And HPV Transmission In South Africa
Moffitt Cancer Center

According to a researcher at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Fla., and her colleagues in the Netherlands, earlier circumcision of males in South Africa may be a positive step in slowing the spread of both HIV and the human papillomavirus (HPV). Their commentary and data were published in a recent issue of the British medical journal The Lancet Infectious Diseases.

Released: 27-Oct-2011 11:15 AM EDT
Researchers Find More Clues To Causes Of Breast Cancer
Moffitt Cancer Center

Publishing in the current issue of The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Moffitt Cancer Center researchers have discovered additional mechanisms of “Akt” activation and suggest a component of that activation mechanism – inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit epsilon (IKBKE) – could be targeted as a therapeutic intervention for treating cancer.

Released: 28-Oct-2011 10:15 AM EDT
Cancer Survivorship Research Must Look At Quality Of Life
Moffitt Cancer Center

Assessing the quality of life experienced by cancer survivors is becoming increasingly important, say Moffitt Cancer Center researchers. Such an assessment has a number of important applications when doing research on cancer survivorship, but just how to measure quality of life for cancer survivors is still being developed.

Released: 31-Oct-2011 11:40 AM EDT
Researchers Find Regulatory T-Cell Clue To Help Prevent GVHD
Moffitt Cancer Center

Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is a serious risk in many kinds of cell transplants, including for stem cell transplants carried out when stem cells are partially depleted of conventional T cells, which play an important role in the immune system. Now, Moffitt Cancer Center researchers have tested a process by which T regulatory cells (Tregs) can be “expanded” to help prevent GVHD.

Released: 3-Nov-2011 10:45 AM EDT
Researchers Help In Search For New Ways To Image, Therapeutically Target Melanoma
Moffitt Cancer Center

Because the incidence of malignant melanoma is rising faster than any other cancer in the U.S., researchers at Moffitt Cancer Center and colleagues at Intezyne Technologies, Inc., Western Carolina University and the University of Arizona are working overtime to develop new technologies to aid in both malignant melanoma diagnosis and therapy. A tool of great promise comes from the world of nanomedicine – where tiny drug delivery systems are measured in the billionths of meters and are being designed to deliver targeted therapies.

Released: 9-Nov-2011 11:00 AM EST
Researchers Unravel Biochemical Factor Important In Tumor Metastasis
Moffitt Cancer Center

A protein called “fascin” appears to play a critical transformation role in TGF beta mediated tumor metastasis, say researchers at Moffitt Cancer Center, who published a study in a recent issue of the Journal of Biological Chemistry.
