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21-Jun-2004 1:00 AM EDT
Widely Prescribed Pain Medications Impair Healing in Shoulder Surgery
Hospital for Special Surgery

Preliminary research in a study of small laboratory animals suggests that widely prescribed pain medications may possibly delay healing in rotator cuff repair, a common shoulder operation, according to a new study by a team of doctors at the Hospital for Special Surgery.

Released: 11-Oct-2004 8:30 AM EDT
Therapeutic Target for Potential Rheumatic Disease Treatment
Hospital for Special Surgery

Medical investigators at the Hospital for Special Surgery have identified an important new signaling pathway they believe could be a valuable target for scientists to aim at with future drug therapies that might one day reverse diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus.

Released: 18-Oct-2004 11:20 AM EDT
Protective Effects of Heparin in Preventing Miscarriages in Lupus Patients
Hospital for Special Surgery

Researchers at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City have identified a potentially valuable therapeutic pathway for preventing miscarriages in certain lupus patients.

Released: 23-Feb-2005 3:20 PM EST
Two Most Common Cartilage Repair Techniques Effective at Restoring Mobility
Hospital for Special Surgery

Two separate new studies presented at a major medical meeting provide objective scientific evidence that the two most commonly performed cartilage repair techniques are effective at restoring patient mobility and reducing pain.

Released: 24-Feb-2005 12:20 PM EST
New Imaging Technologies Can Enhance Orthopaedic Outcomes
Hospital for Special Surgery

New imaging technologies are enabling doctors to not only diagnose a variety of orthopaedic and musculoskeletal conditions with more accuracy, but also to determine with unprecedented precision whether clinical recovery from bone, joint or tendon damage is actually complete and not simply a "placebo effect."

Released: 28-Oct-2005 12:00 PM EDT
Doctors Available to Comment on Research Showing Treatments for RA
Hospital for Special Surgery

New research published today in the November 2005 issue of Arthritis & Rheumatism should offer hope to the more than two million Americans suffering from rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

Released: 26-Jan-2007 12:00 AM EST
Discovery May Lead to Novel Treatments for Autoimmune and Chronic Inflammatory Diseases
Hospital for Special Surgery

By pinpointing the mechanism through which an intravenous therapy combats chronic inflammatory diseases, researchers at Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City have discovered that they may be able to replace the time-consuming infusion therapy with an injection that could be given during a quick office visit.

Released: 18-Feb-2007 12:35 PM EST
Modified Ligament Surgery Improves Outcomes for Baseball Pitchers, Other Athletes
Hospital for Special Surgery

In the largest study of its kind, surgeons at Hospital for Special Surgery have determined that by modifying a classic ligament surgery, they can return more athletes, such as baseball players, to their prior level of competition. The modified surgery repairs a torn medial collateral ligament (MCL), which links and stabilizes bones of the lower and upper arm where they meet at the elbow.

Released: 28-Jul-2007 11:10 AM EDT
New Research May Predict Who is at Risk to Develop Lupus
Hospital for Special Surgery

Certain families produce higher levels of a specific molecule, called interferon-alpha, that primes the body's immune system to turn on, and in some cases initiate an autoimmune attack on itself, according to new research from Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City.

14-Dec-2007 5:15 PM EST
New Approach for Attacking Lupus Identified
Hospital for Special Surgery

Investigators at Hospital for Special Surgery have identified two new targets for drugs aimed at controlling lupus. If companies are able to develop drugs that hone in on these targets, patients may be able to control their disease with few side effects.
