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Released: 9-Sep-2024 1:05 PM EDT
When Climate Change Hits Close to Home
University of Iowa Tippie College of Business

A University of Iowa study finds that insurance companies are more likely to strengthen their climate change risk management strategies when a natural catastrophe hits the state where they're headquartered than if the catastrophe hits a few states over.

Newswise: How the Scars of Demolished Brain Tumors Seed Relapse
Released: 9-Sep-2024 12:05 PM EDT
How the Scars of Demolished Brain Tumors Seed Relapse
Ludwig Cancer Research

A Ludwig Cancer Research study has discovered that recurrent tumors of the aggressive brain cancer glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) grow out of the fibrous scars of malignant predecessors destroyed by interventions such as radiotherapy, surgery and immunotherapy.

Released: 9-Sep-2024 12:05 PM EDT
A vision for effective community-based ecosystems of Latiné health by 2050
University of California, Irvine

With Latiné individuals now representing the largest racially minoritized group in the U.S., promotores, or community health workers (CHW), are crucial in addressing systemic health inequities that have historically affected Latiné communities, especially working-class Latinés.

Newswise: MSU Researchers Find US Lakes in Communities of Color Are Monitored Less for Water Quality
Released: 9-Sep-2024 12:05 PM EDT
MSU Researchers Find US Lakes in Communities of Color Are Monitored Less for Water Quality
Michigan State University

Lakes provide drinking water, food, recreation and mental health benefits to people who use them or live nearby. Regular monitoring of water quality is essential to collect information to track lake health. Without this information, people who use the lakes may be at a higher risk if water quality is poor.

Newswise: Pathway Tied to Cancer-Driving Genome Alterations Identified
Released: 9-Sep-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Pathway Tied to Cancer-Driving Genome Alterations Identified
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Cancer cells appear to hijack a genetic pathway involved in DNA repair to drive malignancy and overcome treatment, a study led by UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers shows. Their findings, published in Cell, explain how chromosomes in some tumors undergo massive rearrangements and could lead to new strategies to avoid cancer drug resistance.

Released: 9-Sep-2024 11:05 AM EDT
While Vaccines Target the Changing Parts of Coronavirus, Researchers Suggest It’s the Unchanging Parts We Also Need to Pay Attention to
Corewell Health

For the past three years, Corewell Health researchers have been studying the genetic code of the virus that causes COVID-19 to better understand how it is changing and how to avoid another pandemic. Much of the world’s focus has been on the development of vaccines to prevent the spread of the virus; however, vaccines primarily target the portion of the virus that constantly changes, requiring vaccines to be regularly updated.

Newswise: Urate Transporter Structures Reveal the Mechanism Behind Important Drug Target for Gout
Released: 9-Sep-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Urate Transporter Structures Reveal the Mechanism Behind Important Drug Target for Gout
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Ten structures of URAT1 obtained by scientists at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital provide a deep understanding of the mechanism of urate transport to guide gout therapeutic design.

6-Sep-2024 3:05 PM EDT
A Gun Safety Paradox: Study Finds Some Precautions Linked to Riskier Storage Practices
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Rutgers Health researchers surveyed 870 parents in nine states with diverse firearm policies and ownership rates.

9-Sep-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Unveiling the Math Behind Your Calendar
Case Western Reserve University

In a world where organizing a simple meeting can feel like herding cats, new research from Case Western Reserve University reveals just how challenging finding a suitable meeting time becomes as the number of participants grows.

Newswise: NASA's Hubble, Chandra Find Supermassive Black Hole Duo
Released: 9-Sep-2024 10:00 AM EDT
NASA's Hubble, Chandra Find Supermassive Black Hole Duo
Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

Hubble and Chandra have uncovered a pair of supermassive black holes that are just 300 light-years apart. They are buried deep inside the heart of a pair of colliding galaxies that will eventually merge to make a bigger black hole.
