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Newswise: Youth Mental Health Outcomes Varied during Pandemic, NIH-Funded Study Finds
Released: 27-Aug-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Youth Mental Health Outcomes Varied during Pandemic, NIH-Funded Study Finds
Environmental influences on Child Health Outcomes NIH

In this study, the pandemic was associated with minor changes in youth mental health overall. Black and low-income youth experienced small improvements in ADHD symptoms, while those with pre-pandemic mental health issues generally showed overall improvement in their outcomes.

Released: 27-Aug-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Bringing environmental justice to disadvantaged communities
Ohio State University

Not all communities in the United States face the same risks for environmental problems such as air pollution, noise and wastewater. But how can federal agencies fairly identify which areas deserve the most help?

Newswise: Controlling molecular electronics with rigid, ladder-like molecules
Released: 27-Aug-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Controlling molecular electronics with rigid, ladder-like molecules
University Of Illinois Grainger College Of Engineering

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign researchers report a unique strategy for controlling molecular conductance by using molecules with rigid backbones—such as ladder-type molecules, known as being shape-persistent.

Newswise: Not sure how to stand out as a leader on Zoom calls? It starts with how you communicate, new study shows
Released: 27-Aug-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Not sure how to stand out as a leader on Zoom calls? It starts with how you communicate, new study shows
Binghamton University, State University of New York

New research involving faculty at Binghamton University, State University of New York shows how, in virtual teams where nonverbal cues are limited, a person’s engagement and influence in conversations can significantly shape whether they’re perceived as a leader.

Newswise: What Enables Herpes Simplex Virus To Become Impervious to Drugs?
26-Aug-2024 4:30 PM EDT
What Enables Herpes Simplex Virus To Become Impervious to Drugs?
Harvard Medical School

At a glance: New research explains how herpes simplex virus can develop resistance to antiviral medicines. Study shows that movements in specific parts of a protein that enable viral replication can alter susceptibility to drugs The findings answer long-standing questions about viral drug resistance and can inform new approaches to designing more effective therapies.

Newswise: Work toward a cleaner way to purify critical metals
Released: 27-Aug-2024 10:20 AM EDT
Work toward a cleaner way to purify critical metals
Sandia National Laboratories

Rare-earth elements are everywhere in modern life, found in everything from the smart device you’re reading this on to the LED lightbulbs overhead and neodymium magnets in electric vehicles and wind turbines.

Newswise: Single 5-nm quantum dot detection via microtoroid resonator photothermal microscopy
Released: 27-Aug-2024 10:05 AM EDT
Single 5-nm quantum dot detection via microtoroid resonator photothermal microscopy
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Scientists have developed an advanced label-free photothermal microscopy system using microtoroid whispering gallery mode resonators which enables the detection of single nanoparticles as small as 5 nm quantum dots with unprecedented sensitivity. This breakthrough, which achieves a heat dissipation detection limit of 0.75 pW, offers detailed 2D photothermal imaging and holds promise for applications in nanotechnology, biomedical research, and other scientific fields, paving the way for advancements in nanoscale imaging and characterization.

Newswise: Ultracompact polarization-entangled photon sources for miniaturized quantum devices
Released: 27-Aug-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Ultracompact polarization-entangled photon sources for miniaturized quantum devices
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Scientists created a new ultra-thin source of entangled photons, a key component for future quantum technologies. This new source uses a special material called rhombohedral tungsten disulfide, which offers high quality and efficiency. It could pave the way for miniaturized devices in quantum information processing.

Newswise: The Main Culprit of Global Warming, Refrigerants to be Replaced by Air
Released: 27-Aug-2024 9:00 AM EDT
The Main Culprit of Global Warming, Refrigerants to be Replaced by Air
National Research Council of Science and Technology

Korean researchers have successfully developed an integrated ultra-high-speed compander system, which combines a compressor and an expander, utilizing advanced design technology.
