Dr. Tardif is Associate Director of Research and Senior Management Team member for SNPRC and has extensive experience coordinating large, integrated research projects throughout her professional career. She served as the marmoset expert for the team charged with sequencing the marmoset genome and as the species expert for recent studies on development of induced pluripotent stem cell (iPS cell) technologies. Her research is focused on metabolism, behavior and reproduction and, most recently, on the characterization of the marmoset as a model for obesity and aging. Dr. Tardif has more than 30 years of expertise in the development of common marmoset monkeys as biomedical models in diverse areas including: Reproductive biology Infectious disease Neuroscience Aging and obesity
“Marmosets are becoming an increasingly important biomedical model and are of particular interest in aging studies, due to their relatively short life span compared with other types of primates. The SNPRC has dedicated facilities and staff for the care and management of this unique species,”