
Sara Jansen Perry, Ph.D., The Ben Williams Professor of Management at Baylor University's Hankamer School of Business, is a nationally recognized researcher on employee stress and well-being, including the role of remote/hybrid work and leadership. She has published articles in numerous top journals such as Journal of Management and Journal of Applied Psychology and is co-author of "Organized Innovation: A Blueprint for Renewing America's Prosperity" (Oxford University Press).

Dr. Perry has been consulted by The New York Times, Washington Post, Fast Company and other media outlets for her expertise on remote work and employee stress. She also consults with both private and public organizations on best practices in remote and hybrid work and managing the employee experience overall.

Perry is a member of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, where she serves on the Education & Training committee, as well as a regular conference reviewer. She is also active with the Academy of Management, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), Southern Management Association, and the Heart of Texas SHRM. After spending several years working as a sales engineer in the high tech industry, she received her PhD and MA in Industrial Organizational Psychology from the University of Houston, complementing her BS from the University of Missouri in Computer Science.

In addition to her research, Perry teaches classes related to conflict resolution, negotiation, talent acquisition and employee relations.


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Return to Office Mandates: Top 3 Challenges for Employers and Employees

Return-to-office (RTO) mandates have made headlines and caused consternation among remote and hybrid employees. Management expert Sara Jansen Perry, Ph.D., highlights the three top challenges that arise with RTO and with remote/hybrid arrangements.
23-Jan-2025 05:35:56 PM EST

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