
Rajshree  Agarwal, PhD

Rajshree Agarwal, PhD

University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business

Rudolph Lamone Chair of Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Expertise: InnovationInnovationstrategic management strategic management

Rajshree Agarwal is the Rudolph Lamone Chair of Strategy and Entrepreneurship and Director of the Ed Snider Center for Enterprise and Markets at the University of Maryland. Rajshree studies the evolution of industries, firms and individual careers, as fostered by the twin engines of innovation and enterprise. Her scholarship uses an interdisciplinary lens to provide insights on strategic innovation for new venture creation and for firm renewal. She routinely publishes in leading journals in strategy and entrepreneurship. An author of more than 60 studies, her research has been cited more than 10,000 times, received numerous best paper awards, and funded by grants from various foundations, including the Kauffman Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and the National Science Foundation. She is currently the co-editor of the Strategic Management Journal and has previously served in co-editor and senior editor roles at Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal and Organization Science respectively. She is a senior contributor at Forbes, providing insights for leading purposeful lives, strategy and innovation. She has been featured in major media outlets including the Washington Post, USA Today, Time, and the Baltimore Sun.  She received her Ph.D. in Economics from SUNY Buffalo in 1994 and has previously held faculty appointments at Universities of Illinois and Central Florida.

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