
Mikkael  Sekeres, MD, MS

Mikkael Sekeres, MD, MS

Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center

Professor Chief, Division of Hematology

Expertise: LeukemiaLeukemiaHematologyASCO 2024

Dr Sekeres has focused on leukemias, and particularly myelodysplastic syndromes and acute myeloid leukemia in older adults, for two decades. He has developed innovative therapies for these cancers; helped define the genetics of leukemia and related blood and bone marrow cancers along with clinical correlates; helped redefine prognostication, including innovative methods using machine learning and artificial intelligence; and helped define the epidemiology and patient reported outcomes in these conditions. He has also chaired the FDA’s Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee and is an expert on cancer regulatory issues, and is a widely published essayist focused on patient-doctor communication, with 60 essays in The New York Times.


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Experts on the front lines of blood cancer see hope for cures

Expert sources and news tips from Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center for Blood Cancer Awareness Month in September.
03-Sep-2024 01:05:58 PM EDT

[The study is] confirming initial reports that patients with hematologic malignancies don’t have as much success mounting antibodies as patients with solid cancer or patients without cancer at all. They should continue to invoke precautions of social distancing and wearing masks, even when vaccinated. He says that such precautions are particularly important as the contagious Delta variant of COVID-19 becomes more prominent.


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