
Prof Patricios (MBBCh MMedSci FACSM FFSEM (UK) FFIMS) has been in sports medicine practice for over 22 years. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Wits Faculty of Health Sciences. Jon is founder and Director of Sports Concussion South Africa, sports concussion consultant to World Rugby, a board member of the international Concussion in Sports Group and on the scientific committee for the International Consensus Conference on Concussion in Sport. He is a Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine, the Faculty of Sports & Exercise Medicine (UK) and the International Sports Medicine Federation. Jon serves on the Advisory Board of the University of Washington, Seattle Sports Health and Safety Institute.  He is a senior associate editor of the British Journal of Sports Medicine and Current Sports Medicine Reports (USA) and served 2 terms as President of the South African Sports Medicine Association. Jon has been team physician to school, club, provincial and international sports teams in rugby, cricket, soccer, athletics and basketball, has been member of the Cricket South Africa and SA Rugby medical committees, the Discovery Rockies Comrades Marathon Panel of experts and has served on tribunals for the South African Institute for Drug Free Sport.

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