
Dr. Licciardone’s research focuses on the prevention and treatment of chronic pain. He is the first recipient of a Regents Professorship awarded by the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine since it was established 50 years ago. He also holds the Osteopathic Heritage Foundation Distinguished Chair in Clinical Research in honor of Drs. David Richards and Benjamin Cohen, former President and Provost of the University of North Texas Health Science Center. He presently directs the Osteopathic Research Center, including its PRECISION Pain Research Registry. The latter is the “first-in-the-nation” pain research registry, which studies precision medicine and biopsychosocial approaches to pain management. He received a Midcareer Investigator Award from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), served as an expert panelist for NIH in the area of chronic pain, and completed a four-year term on its National Advisory Council for Complementary and Integrative Health. He directed the OSTEOPATHIC Trial, a five-year study funded by NIH that demonstrated substantial improvements in and recovery from chronic low back pain with osteopathic manipulation. He is presently a Co-Investigator in the $14 million Prevention of Acute to Chronic Back Pain Trial (PACBACK Trial) sponsored by NIH, and recently served on the Work Group that developed NIH’s Federal Pain Research Strategy. Internationally, Dr. Licciardone has served as a consultant to the World Health Organization on regulatory and safety issues relating to osteopathy in Europe and other nations. He gave the keynote address at Advancing Osteopathy 2008, a conference celebrating the 10th anniversary of recognition of osteopaths in the United Kingdom’s National Health Service, including a preconference reception with His Royal Highness, The Prince of Wales. He has also met and advised two former United States Surgeons General on the role of osteopathic physicians within the American health care system. The American Osteopathic Foundation has honored Dr. Licciardone with its Gutensohn-Denslow Award for devoted lifetime service and contributions to research and education within the osteopathic profession. 

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Public Health Expert Discusses Potential Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Access to Recommended First-Line Treatments for Chronic Pain

Public health expert, John C. Licciardone, a physician and preventive medicine specialist, discusses the potential impact of COVID-19 on patients' access to recommended treatments for chronic pain.
27-Apr-2020 08:35:51 AM EDT

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