
Grant  Harley

Grant Harley

University of Idaho

Associate dean of the College of Science and associate professor of geography

Expertise: Climate ChangeDroughtFloodingAvalanchesSnowpackWildfireforest ecologyTree Rings

Grant Harley’s research interests lie within the broad domain of physical geography, but focus on climatology, biogeography, and paleoenvironmental reconstruction over the past ca. 2,000 years. Currently the overarching goal of Grant’s research program is focused on integrating information about current and past climatic and ecological processes to better understand how natural resources (like plant communities and water) are likely to become altered in the future due to human-induced changes. Grant uses dendrochronology and spatial analysis as research tools to investigate landscape‐scale dynamics (those initiated and/or controlled by both human and natural processes), which must be tempered with a historical perspective.

Topics: climate change, drought, hot-droughts, floods, avalanches, snowpack, atmospheric rivers, wildfires, river discharge, forest ecology, insect outbreaks, dendrochronology (tree-ring science)


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The Vandal Theory Podcast - Season 8, Episode 3: Solving mysteries with tree rings

Question: Have you ever counted the rings of a tree?
24-Oct-2024 10:50:37 PM EDT

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