
Ge Bai, PhD, CPA is a professor of practice in Accounting at Johns Hopkins Carey Business School and professor of Health Policy & Management at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. She is an expert on health care pricing, policy, and management. Dr. Bai has testified before House Ways and Means Committee, written for the Wall Street Journal, and published her studies in leading academic journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, JAMA Internal Medicine, Annals of Internal Medicine, and Health Affairs. Her work has been widely featured in ABC, Atlantic, CBS, CNN, Forbes, Fox News, Los Angeles Times, NBC, New York Times, NPR, The Guardian, U.S. News & World Report, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and other media and used in government regulations and congressional testimonies.  


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Many hospitals still see the chargemaster price as an important way to enhance revenue,” said Ge Bai, an expert on health care finance and accounting at Johns Hopkins University. “Having a high list price means they have more leverage in negotiating prices for people covered by private insurance.”


The $322 million “merely indicates the amount they would have charged arbitrarily” before negotiated insurer discounts, said Ge Bai, an accounting and health policy professor at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. Insurers would have paid UVA only $88 million for that care, according to an accounting of unpaid bills presented last year to the UVA Health board. Even that unpaid figure didn’t come out of UVA’s purse since federal and state governments provided “funding earmarked to cover indigent care” for almost all of it — $83.7 million, according to Bai. The real, “unfunded” cost of UVA’s indigent care: $4.3 million, or 1.3 percent of what it claims, according to the document. “That’s nothing,” given how much money UVA makes, Bai said. “Nonprofit hospitals advance their charitable mission primarily through providing indigent care.”


Johns Hopkins Carey Business School professor Ge Bai is a health policy expert and helped write the proposed Senate bill. “Good luck – you’re likely to pay a very high price for this trip,” Bai said, adding, “I think this air ambulance issue is the poster child of surprise medical billing.” Bai said patients often have no choice when it comes to using an air ambulance – and since many insurance companies don’t pay – patients can get stuck with huge bills. “These are perfect ingredients to make the patients the most delicious prey,” she said.


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