Frédéric  Charron, MD

Frédéric Charron, MD

Universite de Montreal

Professor/Principal Investigator

Expertise: Neurologycognitive functionsNervous SystemMedicineMolecular Biology

The brain is composed of billions of neurons forming a complex network. Improper connections of these neurons have severe consequences on the sensory, motor, and cognitive functions of the nervous system. During embryonic development, neuronal axons are guided to their target by attractive and repulsive axonal guidance molecules. We have recently demonstrated that Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) acts as a chemoattractive molecule for the axons of certain neurons in the spinal cord.

One of the objectives of Dr. Frédéric Charron's team is to identify and characterize the components of the Shh signaling pathway in axonal guidance. In addition to helping better understand the immense complexity underlying the formation of nervous system circuits, this research will aid in identifying new strategies to promote the guidance and reconnection of axons damaged by neurodegenerative diseases and brain or spinal cord injuries.

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