
Dan Polsky is a Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Health Policy and Economics at Johns Hopkins University. Prior to joining Hopkins served as Executive Director of the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics from 2012 - 2019 and was a professor at the University of Pennsylvania in the Perelman School of Medicine and the Wharton School of Business. His research seeks an advanced understanding of the cost and quality tradeoff of health care intervention that addresses care, access, coverage, and payment.

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Health Care Consolidation Poses Hazards 'to Health Equity and Larger Health System Goals,' Authors Caution in NEJM Article

Private equity purchases of physician practices may lead to operational improvements and enhanced efficiency that would benefit patients. At the same time, it might harm them by reducing competition and bringing higher prices or lower-quality services, write Bloomberg Distinguished Professor Daniel Polsky of Johns Hopkins University and Assistant Professor Jane Zhu of the Oregon Health and Sciences University, in their commentary titled “Private Equity and Physician Medical Practices – Navigating a Changing Ecosystem.”
17-Mar-2021 12:05:52 PM EDT

Johns Hopkins to Hold Panel Discussion on COVID-19 Vaccine: From Discovery to Delivery

The Johns Hopkins Carey Business School and the Hopkins Business of Health Initiative on January 25, 2021, will present a panel discussion on the COVID-19 vaccine from discovery to manufacturing to delivery.
04-Jan-2021 12:25:50 PM EST

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