
Dr. Benjamin L. Ruddell (Ben), Ph.D., P.E., is a Professor and Director of the School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems at Northern Arizona University, the President of Ruddell Environmental consulting, the Director of the National Water-Economy Project (NWEP) and the Director of the FEWSion project. His PhD is in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His professional experiences are in the fields of civil engineering, water resources, systems analysis, ecology/ecohydrology, and engineering research and education in an interdisciplinary university setting. He works with a variety of federal, local, and private partners to accomplish cutting-edge projects. His research interests fall broadly in the area of the quantification and management of complex coupled natural-human systems, including regional water and climate systems strongly influenced by the human economy and society- such as in cities, energy, and agriculture. His professional goals are the advancement of the science and management of complex systems, and excellence in education in a university setting.


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Where is the Colorado River going?

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DoD funds new project aimed at protecting global supply chains, infrastructure

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The claim that supply chain problems started with the Biden presidency is off the mark

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Wireless networking researcher wins Air Force's Young Investigator Award for research into smart drones

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Informatics researchers leading the way in developing ‘smart city’ floodwater management

Northern Arizona University professors Eck Doerry and Ben Ruddell are collaborating with water engineers in the city of Phoenix and Flagstaff for a pilot program that uses traffic cameras and crowd-sourced data to track and predict flooding during monsoon season.
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