
Barbara   Albrecht, BS

Barbara Albrecht, BS

University of West Florida

Coastal Communities Coordinator

Expertise: Marine BiologyMarine Biology

Ms. Barbara Albrecht, has 30 years of experience with local watershed and environmental issues. She is actively engaged with citizen science programs and has served as an advocate for many communities as they address local environmental concerns. She has a long history of working with University faculty and students, both as a part time employee and as a volunteer. Her knowledge of the local environment is extensive. In addition, she sees issues from a multidisciplinary perspective (e.g., science, archeology, engineering, the arts), meeting the objectives of AIMS. Since 2011, Barbara has lead the Bream Fishermen Association, a citizen water quality monitoring and watchdog group established in the late 1960s during a time when fish kills were common and measured in square miles. She is also the director of the Panhandle Watershed Alliance, which collaborates between six contiguous interstate watersheds (NW-FL and S-AL) that flow into four northwest FL bays. Through the activities of citizens and groups such as Audubon and the Native Plant Society and this organization, she hopes to bring appreciation, awareness, conservation, low impact restoration, and appropriate management to local area waters and all the user groups.

Degrees & Institutions:
Barbara earned a BS In Marine Biology from the University of West Florida in 1987.

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