
Ann Singleton is based in the School for Policy Studies. An expert on migration statistics and their use in policy, she explores various aspects of migration including missing data or under-reported statistics relating to, for instance, people with disabilities, the undocumented, and people in detention centers. She has also examined the deaths of migrants during their journey and she has looked at the establishment of formally-recognized and accredited sites of deaths of migrants. Ann is a Senior Adviser to the International Organisation for Migration’s Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC), and a member of the UN Statistical Division’s Expert Group on Migration Statistics, which is currently revising the UN’s international recommendations on migration statistics. She has advised the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council of Ministers and EU Presidencies, the Global Migration Group, national governments, NGOs, and international organizations.

1984 - BA Urban Policy and Race Relations, University of Lancaster, 
1988 - MA Government and Politics, London Guildhall University

Member of UNDESA’s Expert Advisory Group on Migration Statistics, Member of the Scientific Advisory (Programme) Committee of the International Forum on Migration Statistics, Member of the Commissioning Panel for the ESRC’s call for Brexit Priority Grants

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